Two Cops 투깝스 - Review


Title: Two Cops 투깝스
Genre: Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Supernatural, Action, Crime
Release: 2017
Starring (Main Cast)
Jo Jung Suk as Cha Dong Tak
Lee Hye Ri as Song Ji Ahn
Kim Seon Ho as Kong Soo Chang
Director: Oh Hyun Jong
Writer: Byun Sang Soon
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.0/10
IMDb Rating: 7.2/10
Audience Rating: 4.8/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.9/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

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Episodes: 32 Episodes (abt. 35 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: punching, yelling, stabbing, guns
Sexual Content: Hugging, kissing
Language: Mild - Minimal language use in the translation I watched
Ending: Happy, Satisfying

My Synopsis

When Detective Cha Dong Tak (Jo Jung Suk) sets out to discover his partner's killer, he ends up blowing open an investigation that had long ago grown cold. Framed for the murder was conman Kong Soo Chang (Kim Seon Ho), a man with a strange connection to the past case. When an incident separates his soul from his body, the two must find a way to work together and solve the mystery that surrounds them, before it is too late.


My Review: 9/10

I had read some varying reviews on this drama, and so I wasn't too sure what to expect. However, as for myself, I ended up really liking this one a lot. I found the concept fun and interesting and the pairing of especially Jo Jung Suk and Kim Seon Ho to be an awesome one.

The story mainly revolves around our duo as they are forced to work together and sometimes even as one person, to solve a mystery that had been buried for a good portion of their lives. The famous trope of using a childhood connection was once again used here. This seems to be a favorite element for K-drama writers to use. Often times I don't care for it, but it really did work well here as this connection is what is the cause for the entire drama.

There was also a romantic plotline to this story, which I will go into more later. However, though it was a nice addition it did not draw me near as much as the camaraderie and conflict of the main duo. There was also a bit of a love triangle here, another often added element I am not fond of, but it wasn't over done and stressful. So, overall, this was a drama I would definitely recommend!

Main Characters

Cha Dong Tak

This is my second time seeing Jo Jung Suk, who played our lead role of Detective Cha Dong Tak. The first was in the movie My Annoying Brother, where he did an incredible job of playing with my emotions. I had high expectations and I was definitely not disappointed with his performance here. I feel while watching him that I could easily add him to the list of best K-drama actors. He did an incredible job flipping back and forth between two personalities and made each very believable. 

The character of Cha Dong Tak was a bit of an unorthodox police officer. He preferred not to carry a gun but instead used his physical fighting skills. This often brought him under some scrutiny. But, you also learn early on that Cha Dong Tak really doesn't care what others think of him. From the beginning of the drama we find him searching into the death of his close former partner. It starts out seeming like a revenge crime, but ends up opening a path to a string of crimes that lead back to a case that long ago seemed to be closed. Cha Dong Tak is determined and has little fear. However, he also sticks to the rules, which can sometimes hinder his investigation. This is where Kong Soo Chang comes in. I will share more of that in his section. Despite Cha Dong Tak's oftentimes hard outer exterior, you find he is generally soft inside, and it produces some very warm moments in the drama.

Song Ji Ahn

Lee Hye Ri plays the lovely lead female role of Reporter Song Ji Ahn. This is my first time seeing her in a drama, but I am not unfamiliar with her face as she is decently well known in the K-drama world. Her role wasn't as prominent as the male duo, but she definitely had her role as well. I felt her acting was quite good, and I would love to see her in more roles. I feel that she would do well even if she were stretched a bit farther. 

The character Song Ji Ahn, like Cha Dong Tak, was a bit fearless as well. Maybe even a bit reckless. It seems to be a trait frequently given to reporter characters. She had a lot of hurt from her past and was also connected to the main duo in this same way. I liked her character but she didn't stand out to me as much as the other two and so at times I felt myself wanting to skip over some of her solo scenes to get back to the main storyline. But, overall, I thought her a good addition to the drama.

Kong Soo Chang

Kim Seon Ho played the fun-loving conman, Kong Soo Chang. He was the icing on the cake for us. It is no secret that he is at the top of our favorites list as an actor. What is it that makes this guy so fun to watch? I am drawn to every character he plays. We had the honor of seeing this guy act early on (in 100 Days My Prince) and loving him prior to his rise to international fame, which made his journey to the top so much more enjoyable for us to watch. He makes us laugh, and tugs our heart-strings. Excellent actor who we could not say enough about. Other dramas we have seen with this amazing actor are: Strongest Deliveryman, You Drive Me Crazy, Welcome to Waikiki 2, and Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. All of which we recommend if you want to see more of Kim Seon Ho! 

The character of Kong Soo Chang was, in our opinion, the most fun character of the drama. He was carefree, easily entertained, and easily startled. But, when he stepped into his role of conman he got down to business. Oftentimes that occurred while inhabiting the body of Cha Dong Tak, who did an incredible job at portraying some of Kim Seon Ho's natural characteristic responses, like the lip biting, and his quick smile, for example. Even though Kong Soo Chang was a conman, he also had some morals, and it was interesting to see the good side of him sometimes war with the side that took advantage of others. Overall, he was a character we couldn't help but love.

Cha Dong Tak and Song Ji Ahn

Jo Jung Suk and Lee Hye Ri definitely had some great chemistry with each other. Though the first meeting of their characters was a bit cold, we still could feel the sparks fly, even as they glared at each other. Their relationship naturally morphed into one of caring as they both found that, despite their jobs interference with each other, they also admired each other greatly.

The scene where they finally make their feelings official was beautiful. It gave us plenty of butterflies and warmed our hearts. These two actors are both great romance actors and they made their feelings seem so real and believable. We may have had to rewind and watch the scene again. 

Cha Dong Tak and Kong Soo Chang

Despite the great romantic plot, these two were my favorite "couple" of the drama. They also had a rough start to their relationship. After being framed for murder, Kong Soo Chang is accused and arrested by Cha Dong Tak only to have them attacked on their way to the police station. Soo Chang ends up in a coma as a result, and his soul is set free from his body. At first he is just a voice to Dong Tak, and so the start of their relationship, as you can imagine, is a bit freaky and unbelievable to both.

With the help of a crazy fortune teller, they realize that if they want to fix things, they first had to solve the mystery that had reconnected them. A mystery that had been buried in both their pasts for a long time. As they work together, their relationship begins to change, and they find themselves worrying for each other as they face life and death obstacles. I have mentioned before that one of my favorite drama tropes is when two guys turn into brothers. There is something heart-warming about it to me.

Support Characters

Once again, there were quite a few side characters here that played a big role. Since it would take way to long to mention them all, I picked my favorites amongst them.

Yong Pal

Lee Si Eon played the support character of Yong Pal. Though he is an enemy of Dong Tak early on, when Soo Chang takes over Dong Tak's body, he turns that relationship around and we end up with a great comrade/minion in the end. He was hilariously funny to me. He was definitely more like Soo Chang, criminally minded, and yet he was there when he was needed. I loved his character.

Ko Bong Sook

Ko Bong Sook was played by the beautiful Im Se Mi. People are probably most familiar with her because of her most recent role in True Beauty as the older sister of the main female lead. She was Soo Chang's apprentice partner in crime. Now being without him, she spends the drama caring for him and doing quite a bit of growing up. I was drawn to her character because even though she was stuck in this habit of stealing to survive, she had a great capacity for love and she was a very diligent caretaker of Soo Chang.

Miss Bong

Ryu Hye Rin did an amazing job playing the crazy fortune teller, Miss Bong. She almost always looked only half there. She was terribly funny, and between her distant looks and sly ones, she was incredibly cute. She didn't have a lot of screen time, but she accomplished a lot when she did. I loved her character.


In the end, I definitely recommend this one. It had some good excitement, but wasn't stressful to watch. Great acting and a uniquely fun story. And if you are a fan of either Jo Jung Suk and/or Kim Seon Ho, how can you go wrong? Both are well known and loved actors and they made an incredible duo. 

Awards Won

Jo Jung Suk - 2017 - Top Excellence Award, Actor in a Monday-Tuesday Drama (MBC Drama Awards)
Kim Seon Ho - 2017 - Excellence Award, Actor in a Monday-Tuesday Drama (MBC Drama Awards), Best New Actor (MBC Drama Awards)


There was one song on the OST that we particularly liked so, though none of our actors/actresses sang on the OST we felt we should still add this in.

Don't Ask by Voisper

안녕! - 줄스
