Strongest Deliveryman 최강 배달꾼 - Review


Title: Strongest Deliveryman 최강 배달꾼
Genre: Friendship, Business, Romantic Comedy, Life, Youth
Release: 2017
Starring (Main Cast)
Go Kyung Pyo as Choi Kang Soo
Chae Soo Bin as Lee Dan Ah
Kim Seon Ho as Oh Jin Gyu
Go Won Hee as Lee Ji Yoon
Director: Kim Shin Il and Jeon Woo Sung
Writer: Lee Jung Woo

IMDb Rating: 7.3/10
Audience Rating: 4.4/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.9/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with subscription on Netflix: Strongest Deliveryman 

Episodes: 16 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Hitting, yelling, fight scenes, road accident scenes
Sexual Content: mild verbal references, kissing, hugging
Language: Mild to moderate (depends on where you watch)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Choi Kang Soo never stays in one neighborhood very long. After working for a short period as a deliveryman, he routinely packs up and moves to his next location and starts all over again. However, as he moved into this new neighborhood it was obvious things were going to be different as he ends up being placed under a girl with a strong personality and goals that she is not afraid to fight for. When her growing affection for Kang Soo starts to tear down her walls and threaten that goal she must find a way to separate herself from her feelings. But, as serious problems arise in their community, they must work together or their whole neighborhood could be lost. Can they find a way to save their community, and will their closeness finally thaw her resolve?


My Review: 9/10

I had mixed feelings about this in the first quarter of this drama, but it grew on me and I really ended up liking all the characters in the end. My favorite early on was the secondary lead male who, despite his flaws, was funny and likeable and I did feel he was treated a bit unfairly. However, as this went on I felt the story did get better and I really did like seeing the growth in all of them. I found it interesting how invested I was in the secondary lead characters lives, as much if not more than the main leads. It was definitely a great comedic drama with a fun storyline that really didn't make me to anxious, even within the conflict. I think if you want a nice, easy-to-digest drama, this would be a good fit. 

Choi Kang Soo

Our lead male was played by Go Kyung Pyo. This is the first drama I have seen him in. I really did like his acting in here. I felt he was a great fit for the character. As usual, the casting is done well. I feel this is one of the many things K-dramas seem to have a grasp on. His character is kind of a wanderlust, never staying in one place very long. As the story unfolds you learn the reason for this. A benefit to his moving about is the many many friends he has collected. He is a good guy who steps in and helps people and you learn that he has a huge amount of people that consider themselves in debt to him because of it. This comes into use multiple times during the show. Who knew one could have so many friends! His personality, and natural desire to help is what slowly wears down Dan Ah, who he finds himself quickly growing an attachment for. The character in this drama does provide a decent challenge for actor who has a wide array of emotions to portray as well as opportunities to show off his fighting skills. I felt he pulled it all of well and believable.

Lee Dan Ah

Lee Dan Ah is played by Chae Soo Bin. She is an expert in martial arts and is probably the only female in her neighborhood that is feared and respected by all the other male deliverymen. Her relationship with Kang Soo starts out quite rocky. She intimidates him and calls him "Oppa" in a condescending way. You learn over time that there are many situations in her life that have caused her to have such a tough exterior. Situations that have lead to her dislike of Korea and her determination to leave the country. However, Kang Soo threatens those plans in many ways and she struggles to put up a barrier between them. But it is difficult as she slowly starts to develop feelings for him. This the second time I have seen Chae Soo Bin. The first time was in I Am Not a Robot. Both of these dramas have given her a good opportunity to show her abilities in acting. I felt she has risen to the challenge well in both. I really like her as an actress and will be happy to see her in another drama.

Kang Soo and Dan Ah - Couple Chemistry

I really loved the relationship that developed between these two. I kind of like the hate to love thing... and really it was kind of a hate to friendship to love. It seemed a very natural gravitation and they were a sweet fit for each other. I loved that once Dan Ah decided to giver her heart to Kang Soo she didn't go back on it. I am not a huge fan of dramas were the romantic couple waver a lot. The actors had a great chemistry. It was a good pairing for them.

Oh Jin Gyu

This guy was my favorite character. He was played by the actor Kim Seon Ho who I had the pleasure to watch in 100 Days My Prince. I also absolutely loved him in that drama. His character was the one I sympathized for the most. Though he was the rich kid, he really had the most struggles of everyone and he always seem to get the unfair end of the stick. Watching him overcome and make the right choices was so very satisfying. He grew up during the course of the drama, and the developing friendship/love with Lee Ji Yoon was so very sweet. On top of that, he also made me laugh the most. He was hilarious and a pure pleasure to watch. I honestly couldn't wait for his scenes because I knew I was going to either have my heart moved or lightened with laughter. Excellent acting by Kim Seon Ho. Like I said, I just love watching this guy act. There is something about him and his expressions that just make him look like a fun person to be around. I think he laughs easily in real life, too. My guess, and my hope, anyway!

Lee Ji Yoon

This girl was probably the biggest surprise for me in the drama. Lee Ji Yoon was played by Go Won Hee who I saw previously in Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency. Wow! The character she plays here was so vastly different from when I saw her before that I almost didn't recognize her. Who would have known?! My respect for her was instant. She was so severe and proper in the last, but in this she is flighty, funny, carefree. I love her. I think she was my second favorite character. She also had me laughing a lot during this. I honestly would have never guessed the girl from the Flower Crew could play such a comedic role. But, she did so expertly! This actress did a phenomenal job. As for her character, she is a rich girl trying to separate herself and become independent. Tired of living under her strict family and their corrupted ways she is ready to break free. She finds it harder than she thought, but at the same time, her determination never once wavers and I found that despite her flightiness, she was actually pretty strong inside. I really enjoyed watching her mature in this drama as well.

Jin Gyu and Ji Yoon - Couple Chemistry

These two also have a hate to love relationship. They both start out liking someone else... Jin Gyu starts out liking Dan Ah, and Ji Yoon starts out liking Kang Soo. However, these two are pushed together against their will by the expectations of their status. Yet, when separated they realize that they actually have started to grow on each other and in the end it eases in to a natural loving relationship. They are so very good for each other as they help each other become good independent individuals. It is their strength together that helps them cut bonds with their corrupted families. I found their relationship funny and sweet and they really were may favorite couple of the drama. 

Overall, I really recommend this drama. It was a good drama that I could take nice and easy. It wasn't as gripping as others with more intense plotlines, but that was one thing that made it kind of nice as well. It was funny, light-hearted, but also had its fair share of conflict. The acting was excellent and the ending was very satisfying for all of our favorite characters. It was very much a feel-good drama.


As a bonus, Go Kyung Pyo and Chae Soo Bing sang on this dramas OST!

Lalala by Go Kyung Pyo

Love On My Way by Chae Soo Bin

Awards Won:

Go Won Hee - 2017 - Best New Actress (10th Korea Drama Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
