The Sound of Magic 안나라수마나라 - Review


Title: The Sound of Magic 안나라수마나라
Genre: Music, Psychological, Fantasy
Release: 2022
Starring (Main Cast)
Ji Chang Wook as Ri Eul
Choi Sung Eun as Yoon Ah Yi
Hwang in Youp as Na Il Deung
Director: Kim Seong Yoon
Writer: Kim Min Jung

IMDb Rating: 8/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.5/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

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Episodes: 6 Episodes (abt. 1 hr. 10 min. each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: Use of physical force, fighting, kidnapping
Sexual Content: Hugging
Language: Moderate - there is some swearing in this
Ending: Satisfying

My Synopsis

Yoon Ah Yi is a young school girl forced to live a life stuck between childhood and adulthood. Attending school, making money, and raising her younger sister by herself, there is little time for her to dream of anything else but finally reaching adulthood and gaining control of her life. Disillusioned she finds herself in the interests of a mysterious magician whose child-like life and beliefs have her both frustrated and intrigued. However, his strange abilities seem to go far beyond the normal "tricks" of the trade. As he begins to bring hope to her dark world, rumors surrounding him threaten to snuff it out. Can she uncover the truth behind the mysterious Ri Eul? And will she finally be able to answer the question...

"Do you believe in magic?"


My Review: 10/10

Who hasn't at one point in their young life believed in magic? Or at least wanted to. As we get older that belief fades. But what if we could believe again?

This is the first time I have watched a drama that was made after a webtoon I have already read. I wasn't sure what to expect, as I feel rarely do I find dramatizations as good as the original. Plus, when I found out it was going to be a musical, my doubts were high. However, I was totally blown away by the entire production of this... how should I put it... work of art? This may seem on the outside like a light drama, but it is extremely deep. The depth and the symbolism may actually be so deep that some might miss all the pieces of hidden meaning sprinkled throughout. The reviews I read that were negative were from those who said that they didn't understand the drama. And the positive were from those who did. So go into it with this thought in mind, that the pieces, the words, the connections... all of it is deeply woven into the lesson that this drama sets out to teach. 

This is definitely my type of story, and it was very beautifully told.

Main Characters

Ri Eul

Ji Chang Wook played the mysterious magician, Ri Eul. I cannot express just how excited I was to hear he was leading this drama. I have only seen him act one other time, but it was in one of my very top favorite dramas, Healer. I had no doubts he would do well, and he didn't disappoint me at all. He filled the role  in a way that made it his and I couldn't imagine anyone else as Ri Eul. He did an incredible job.

As the drama opens, we are immediately brought into the rumors surrounding the mystic persona of Ri Eul, who strangely inhabits the abandoned theme park in the local town. I won't go into the background of his character here as I feel it best revealed as you watch. But, I will say, he is no ordinary magician. And though he may seem light and fun with his array of "tricks" and his child-like separation from reality, you find that his best feats are performed in a much deeper and impactful way. He has an innate ability to view a person from the inside and you get the sense that he himself has a much deeper level than he portrays.

Yoon Ah Yi

Choi Sung Eun played the struggling character of Yoon Ah Yi. She is relatively new to the acting scene, but has already made herself known. This is the first time I have seen her act, but I can tell already that this girl has the potential to make it big. Her acting was incredible, and she did extremely well with the wide range of emotions that were needed from her in this drama. I feel that she could easily be pushed even farther. Outstanding job, and I expect to see much more from her in the future.

The character of Yoon Ah Yi was one that was stuck between a child and an adult. Her name itself, Ah Yi, sounds like the Korean word for child, which I found quite fitting for her. Her mother left when she was really young, and with her father on the run from debt collectors, she finds herself raising her younger sister on her own. She was forced to grow up fast and fill a role she wasn't quite ready to fulfill. Giving up her dreams, she longs only to be an adult and not be limited by her age. However, when a mysterious magician pushes his way into her life, those dreams begin to rekindle. Can she learn to believe once again?

Na Il Deung

Hwang in Youp played the good student Na Il Deung. This actor I have seen twice before, first in the drama The Tale of Nokdu, and secondly in the hit drama True Beauty (which shot him quickly to stardom). I felt he was also a perfect cast in this role. Having read the webtoon, as soon as I heard he was the cast I knew he would be perfect for it. His acting was excellent, and even beyond that, I am so amazed that a man in his thirties can so perfectly fit the role of a teenage school boy. Oh, to look so young! 

Na Il Deung may look like he has the perfect life on the outside. Wealthy parents, good grades, a future laid out before him. However, as we dive into his character we learn that it is a future that he would not have chosen for himself, but one predetermined for him by his parents. In Korea, they liken this to a concrete road. One that is already paved, a path you don't make for yourself. As Ri Eul also works his way into this boy's life, he starts to once again find who he really is. And he realizes, that flowers don't bloom on asphalt... but on the dirt roads he makes for himself.

Na Il Deung & Yoon Ah Yi

It is obvious early on that Na Il Deung has a crush on Yoon Ah Yi. The feelings seem to be mutual at times, but besides the little acts here and there the drama does not develop their relationship real far. If anyone has read the webtoon you realize this is not a romance drama. It definitely deals with deeper issues. However, the few little cute scenes between them do have some chemistry, and are quite sweet.

Ri Eul, Yoon Ah Yi & Na Il Deung

Though the drama does have some focus on the friendship between Yoon Ah Yi and Na Il Deung, the real relationships are the ones that the two develop with the mysterious magician. Though Ri Eul is quite unique, and feared by some because of this, these two experience a relationship with him at a much deeper level. Ri Eul senses the disturbances in these two's lives, and reaches in and stirs them up in a way that turns their lives upside down. At first it seems a bit harmful, but as they begin to view their world differently, they start to realize just how valuable the lessons he teaches are. It is a beautiful development and a relationship that leaves a permanent impact on both of their lives.


To sum it all up, I would just say that this drama was probably the deepest drama I have yet to watch. There is so much to unpack in the six episodes we are given. I highly recommend watching, and going into it expecting to learn something. Also realizing that so much thought was put into the words, and the symbolism that, if you aren't careful, you might miss some of it. This is truly a beautiful drama full of deep and thoughtful meaning. It easily goes into my top 10!


Being this is a musical, there were too many good OSTs so I narrowed it down to two that included our main three characters. 

Don't Make Me Dream by Ji Chang Wook and Choi Sung Eun

I Mean It by Hwang In Youp

안녕! - 줄스
