Hospital Playlist (Season 1&2) 슬기로운 의사 생활 - Review

Title: Hospital Playlist 슬기로운 의사 생활
Genre: Friendship, Romance, Life Medical
Release: 2020, 2021
Starring (Main Cast)
Jo Jung Suk as Lee Ik Jun
Yoo Seon Seok as Ahn Jeong Won
Jung Kyung Ho as Kim Jun Wan
Kim Dae Myung as Yang Seok Hyeong
Jeon Mi Do as Chae Song Hwa
Director: Shin Won Ho
Writer: Lee Woo Jung

IMDb Rating: 8.8/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 9.1/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here and Here

Watch with subscription on NetflixHospital Playlist 

Episodes: Season 1: 12 Episodes (abt. 1 hr. 30 min. each), Season 2: 12 Episodes (abt. 1 hr. 40 min. each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: blood associated with medical procedures
Sexual Content: Hugging, kissing, scene of couple laying in bed together
Language: Mild to moderate - there are a few scenes that have some language use, but it is not frequently used throughout the drama.
Ending: Happy, Satisfying

My Synopsis

This story follows the lives of five long-term friends (who are leading doctors/surgeons at the large scale hospital of Yulje) as they navigate difficult cases, friendships, and love. 


My Review: 8.7/10

This drama is much more reminiscent to me of an American long-running drama than the typical Korean one. There isn't one particular plot that is followed throughout the drama. It is very much a slice-of-life drama where you follow the day to day happenings in the lives of these five friends. 

To be honest, I have never been a big fan of the dramas here in America because, for me personally, I like a solid story, where there is a clear start and end with a nice resolution. You don't get that in the dramas here. They wander through life, and things change at the writers whim without any real goal in mind except to keep the show running as long as possible. So, needless to say, the lack of a real plotline in this drama series was my least favorite aspect. Also, because of this, I didn't feel the desire to binge watch. And, in fact, some episodes took me a couple days to finish (partly because each are about movie-length). However, the relaxed pacing also meant it didn't feel stressful and if you are looking for something to just relax with, this is definitely one I would recommend.

Despite the lack of a plotline, the character development was still excellently done. And, the fact that you truly get to know and love each character almost made up completely for what it lacked. So, all in all, I was torn between my rating a little, but this really was a nice watch. I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

As per the "Playlist" part of the title, the group of friends are also part of a band together. Not one that performs, but they get together and it is where they de-stress. All the actors play their own instruments, and I was pleasantly surprised at their abilities.

Main Characters

Lee Ik Jun

Lee Ik Jun was played by the popular actor Jo Jung Suk. He was the only face of the five leads that I was familiar with. I saw him first in the movie My Annoying Brother and secondly in the drama Two Cops. Both of which gave him leading roles and he did an incredible job. He really is an enjoyable actor to watch and has a very warm presence on screen. I will definitely look forward to seeing him more.

The character of Lee Ik Jun, is a single father, and an abdominal surgeon who specializes in issues of the liver. He is the fun loving, rarely serious one. Especially around his friends and his son, who he has an amazing and sweet relationship with. Most people are super comfortable around him. And, in general, he is the all around likeable one. He has a warm heart and is always helping those around him in one way or another. 

His character is a guitarist in the band and Jo Jung Suk proves himself to be a very talented guitarist and singer.

Ahn Jung Won

The character of Ahn Jung Won was played by the gentle-looking, Yoo Yeon Seok. Though this was the first time seeing him act, I was really impressed by him. He maybe didn't get stretched super far in his role, since he is probably the most gentle, and soft-hearted of the five, but I couldn't help but feel that if challenged he could rise to it. I will definitely look forward to seeing him on screen again, and since I already have some of his other dramas on my to-watch-list, that may not be too far in my future.

The character of Ahn Jung Won, as I said before, is a gentle-hearted one. He was the only specialized pediatric surgeon in the hospital. Apparently a field in which there are few in general across Korea (according to the drama). He is also from a very religious family, and so his Catholic faith is very dear to him. Which may be one thing that contributes to his very selfless, giving personality. He also gets a long well with most everyone, but will definitely step in if he feels that someone has wronged another. I think he will be many people's favorite of the five.

In the band, the character of Ahn Jung Won is the drummer. Again, a very talented musician and singer!

Kim Jun Wan

Jung Kyung Ho played the rather cold personality of Kim Jung Wan. Again, I am not familiar with this actor, but he did a great job pulling off this personality type. Even when the character had his warm moments, he somehow still made them fit within his personality and made them feel natural. Looking at this actors incredible acting history, I am surprised this is my first time seeing him. However, as I see that some of his works are also in my to-watch-list, I will look forward to seeing how he portrays other personalities.

Because of his personality type, he was naturally my least favorite of the five. He definitely has his redeeming moments and qualities too, so it isn't that I disliked him. His character specializes in Cardiothoracic surgery. He is an expert in his field and is very harsh on those that work with him. He also is most often very cold in his information delivery to the families of those he works on. However, despite the fact that very few could get close to him, one particular support character (listed as my favorite one below) has a huge influence on him, and in a way teaches him to be a warmer human being. 

Kim Jung Wan is the other guitarist in the band and again surprised me with his talent!

Yang Suk Hyung

Kim Dae Myung played the shy introverted Yang Suk Hyung. Though I have never seen him before, he has apparently been in many movies, though only a few dramas. I hope, that his involvement in this two-season series helps him move more in the drama route. Only, because that is my favorite to watch and I really would like to see this actor in more. He did an excellent job with the awkward, shy character he portrayed here and I would love to see how he does with other characters as well. 

The character of Yang Suk Hyung, is actually my personal favorite of the drama. He is an OB doctor/surgeon who just had a very calming presence that made him particularly suitable for a delivery room. I felt that this character is the one I relate to the most, which is probably why he is my favorite. His nickname is Bear, which suited him quite well as he really is a bit of a teddy bear. He also could be funny and spunky at times, usually with his friends only, but despite his rather reserved person, you can see how much he cares for people. Of all of them, he is the most affected by his family situation, and because of this, I think we get to know his story a little more. Which might be another reason that he was my favorite of the five.

He plays the keyboard/piano for the band and is also the biggest reason the band exists.

Chae Song Hwa

Jeon Mi Do played the sweet character of Chae Song Hwa. Originally a stage actress, she is very new to on screen acting, yet has already made herself well known. After a guest role in 2018, and a support role in 2019, she was then cast as a main role in Hospital Playlist 1 & 2 and is now a main lead role in the currently running drama, Thirty-nine. She did a fabulous job with her character and obviously brings her years of stage acting experience with her.

Chae Song Hwa is the only girl amongst the friends. She is really a bit of a mother figure to them. They all gather in her office to eat, and she is their main driver. She takes care of them, and often is the voice of wisdom and support. In turn they all guard over her like big protective brothers. Her character specializes in neuro-surgery, and like the others is also a big name in her field. My only one criticism in the portrayal of this character revolves around her inability to sing (the real Jeon Mi Do is an excellent singer).  I do feel like the execution of her bad singing was a bit over the top. I think they could have made her a bad singer without it being unbelievably bad. 

Jeon Mi Do plays the bass guitar and I thought she did an amazing job.

Lee Ik Jun and Chae Song Hwa

Lee Ik Jun and Chae Song Hwa are best friends with a very sweet relationship. It was easy to wish for them to have more, and I don't think the drama hides the fact that this is their long-term goal. So, as they are one of the relationships that take the longest to move into that stage, it is extremely satisfying to the watcher. The two definitely have good chemistry. However, having seen Jo Jung Suk previously, I think he could have chemistry with a wall. He has an incredible ability to make things very warm and fuzzy. They will easily be a favorite couple.

Ahn Jeong Won and Jang Gyeo Wool

I have no doubt that this will be the favorite couple of season 1. Shin Hyun Bin plays Jang Gyeo Wool, the love interest of Ahn Jeong Won. Her character was very quiet and awkward for the most part. Her admiration and secret crush on Ahn Jeong Won was known very early on. However, my only criticism would be in the fact that they don't let us in on Ahn Jeong Won's feelings until very late and so I don't feel that we get quite the satisfying build up on his end that they could have given us. Even if his gaze could have lingered longer here and there would have been enough. However, they are a sweet couple and her puppy dog looks around him were cute.

Kim Jun Wan and Lee Ik Soon

This was the quickest relationship to develop. There wasn't a whole lot of lead up and to be honest it was the relationship I had the hardest time really caring about. Kwak Sun Young plays the character of Lee Ik Soon, the little sister of Lee Ik Jun. She had a very fun personality, and had great sibling chemistry with Lee Ik Jun. The relationship between her and Kim Jun Wan is kept secret from their friends and family for a good portion of both season 1 and 2. The chemistry here was average. It wasn't that they had no chemistry, it just wasn't great. Maybe it was because I couldn't see what she saw in him?  Maybe it was because he was so different with her than with everyone else. I am not sure.

Yang Seok Hyeong and Chu Min Ha

Along with the relationship between Lee Ik Jun and Chae Song Hwa this was my other favorite couple of the drama. Ahn Eun Jin plays, Chu Min Ha, the love interest of Yang Seok Hyeong. Her character along with the support character listed below were my favorite side characters of the drama. There were so many things I liked about her character that it would take forever to list. It is no wonder that this actress won an award for this role. The relationship between these two is first co-workers. Chin Min Ha is a resident OB doctor under Yang Seok Hyeong. Very early on you see the way she feels about him, and she is quick to verbalize it as well. Not just to her friends but to him. Of course, his situation leaves him unopen to a relationship and because of this, they take a long time to move into the next stage. However, it is super satisfying when they do, and the way they look at each other is heart-melting. These two have great chemistry between them.

Support Characters

Because of the shear volume of support characters in this drama, other than the ones mentioned in the relationships above, I felt the need to only add one more to this review. This character was one of my favorites and I had to add him in. 

Do Je Hak

Jung Moon Sung played, in my opinion, one of the best characters in the drama. Do Je Hak was a resident doctor that worked mainly under the cold personality of our main character, Kim Jun Wan. Despite his sunbae's biting comments and cold shoulder, he was relatively unaffected by it. His character really was able to find the good in others, and because of it I think he was the only person (outside of Kim Jun Wan's close friends) who could break through the tough exterior and bring about change. It is his character that helps to soften his superior. As his character comes to face difficulties in his own life, I couldn't help but admire his response, and wish to be a person who is more like him. I think every watcher will be drawn to this character.


Despite my disappointment in plot, I would highly recommend this drama. You really get to feel a part of life at Yulje hospital. And it is easy to be drawn to the characters within. I know there is a lot of hope for a season three. And if they do decide to produce one, I would gladly watch. However, where season one clearly ended with an opening for season two, season two seemed to end a little more final as it does a more thorough job of wrapping everything up. I guess we will wait and see. 

Awards Won

Hospital Playlist - 2020 - Best Drama (Brand of the Year Awards)
Jo Jung Suk - 2020 - Best Actor (Brand of the Year Awards); Best OST "Aroha" (Brand of the Year Awards; Best OST "Aroha" (Melon Music Awards) - 2021 - Best OST "Aroha" (Genie Music Awards); Best OST "Aroha" (Golden Disc Awards); Best OST "I Like You" (Mnet Asian Music Awards); Best OST "Aroha" (Seoul Music Awards)
Jeon Mi Do - 2020 - Best Acting Award (Asia Artist Awards); Newcomer Actress (Asia Contents Awards); Best New Actress (Brand of the Year Awards) - 2021 - Best New Actress (APAN Star Awards)
Ahn Eun Jin - 2020 - AAA Focus Award (Asia Artist Awards)
Lee Mu Jin - 2021 - Best OST "Rain and You" (Melon Music Awards)


Between Season 1 and 2 this drama series had a huge amount of OSTs. Many of these were done by the actors/actresses themselves. Because of this I will pick one favorite from the individual cast OSTs and link to the rest. I will also pick a favorite or two from the cast band, Mido and Falasol (that include all the main characters), and link to the rest.

The winner, for me, from all the individual cast OSTs was:
In Front of the Post Office in Autumn by Kim Dae Myung (Season 2)

OSTs by other cast members in order of release:
Season 1
Aloha - Jo Jung Suk
I Knew I Love - Jeon Mi Do
Season 2
I Like You - Jo Jung Suk
To You - Yoo Yeon Seok
Reminiscence - Jung Kyung Ho
Butterfly - Jeon Mi Do

Mido and Falasol
Jo Jung Suk (main vocals & guitar), Yoo Yeon Seok (drums), Jung Kyung Ho (guitar), Kim Dae Myung (keyboards), and Jeon Mi Do (bass)

The winners I chose for the band OSTs are the following:

Me to You, You to Me


The rest in order of release:
Season 1
Season 2

안녕! - 줄스
