Healer 힐러 - Review


Title: Healer 힐러
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Action, Thriller, Mystery
Release: 2014
Starring (Main Cast)
Ji Chang Wook as Seo Jung Hoo/ Park Bong Soo/ "Healer"
Park Min Young as Chae Yeong Shin/ Oh Ji An
Yoo Ji Tae as Kim Moon Ho
Director: Lee Jung Sub, Kim Jin Woo
Writer: Song Ji Na
Rakuten Viki Rating9.7/10
IMDb Rating: 8.5/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.9/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with free on Kocowa: Healer 

Episodes: 20 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Hitting, yelling, lots of fight scenes and blood
Sexual Content: kissing, hugging, verbal references, scene of couple snuggling in bed
Language: Mild to moderate (depends on where you watch)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

"Healer" (Ji Chang Wook) is a well-known night courier who dreams of someday retiring alone to his own island, once his lucrative job provides him enough money to do so. However, the circumstances of a high-paying job end with him being wanted for murder. In his search to expose the truth he finds himself drawn into the path of a girl (Park Min Young) from his childhood, and his entire history put in question. Connected to the past of a group of friends with a huge secret, he must uncover the truth and protect the people he grows to care for. Can they expose the truth before it is to late?


My Review: 10/10

I don't think it is possible to give this drama too much praise. It tops the list. One of the best dramas ever made. Many people share this sentiment. I am sure there are those that don't, but I think the majority in this case would stand with me on this. 

The Plot

The story of Healer revolves around a past group of friends who were very close until an event occurred that mysteriously was covered over. "Healer", finds himself connected to this group of friends when, having been framed for murder, he tries to clear his name and discovers his father's picture in the suspects house. 

It is a story of discovery. Revealing a long hidden secret and the large-scale operation behind it, but also one of self-discovery for the youth of the group of friends who are now connected by a common purpose and past. Together they will risk their lives to bring a long hidden truth to light and clear the shadow that has hung over them for the past 20 years. Can they uncover the answers before it is too late?
The plot of the story is perfectly woven into the love story of Healer and the energetic reporter Chae Yeong Shin. And, I felt they told it such a way that kept me on my toes and also warmed my heart. Props to the writer and director both for putting together such a beautiful and exciting story. There wasn't a single episode that was boring. I looked forward to each and every one to the point that I admit that I binge watched this drama in about a three day period. And... I am watching it for the second time, now. I don't think this will be a drama I will ever tire of.

"Healer" / Seo Jung Hoo

“Healer” (Ji Chang Wook), is the best, most sought-after night courier in his field. Having been abandoned more than once, and living alone for the past 10 years he has grown comfortably accustomed to the lack of human bonds. When a situation occurs that causes him to have to place himself close to other people, he begins to realize what he has missed. 

Healer goes undercover as the shy and easily-scared Park Bong Soo and strategically places himself as an assistant to Chae Yeong Shin (Park Min Young), who is an interest to one of his suspicious clients. Her natural instincts to take care of him make him feel a bit awkward at first, and surprised. He has never had anyone worry about him, or take care of him before. Because of this, he finds it hard to not be drawn to her.

Ji Chang Wook does an incredible job playing a character that can go from kick-butt, confident, to quiet, shy and soft-hearted. The wide array of emotions portrayed by this character, from anger to tears, were all incredibly convincing. I have yet to see another of Ji Chang Wook’s dramas, but I have no doubt in his acting ability. Nor do I think anyone else could have played Healer so well.

Chae Yeong Shin

Chae Yeong Shin (Park Min Young) is a reporter for an obscure online entertainment newspaper called Someday News. Her dream is to become as good and famous as the popular news journalist, Kim Moon Ho. Little does she know that this particular journalist also has a mysterious interest in her. Which is the very reason she finds herself partnered with Park Bong Soo. 

After intervening in the suicide attempt of a young woman, early in the plot, she discovers a dark past behind the man predicted to be the city's next mayor.  It is a secret that could get her killed. It is also a secret with an indirect connection to her past and unfortunately makes her known to people who may be threatened by her existence.

To describe her character... Yeong Shin is a spunky, sometimes crazy, dancing/singing pint-sized ball of energy. She has her fears and weaknesses, but she always faces things head on. 
Though friendly and quirky, she doesn’t get really close to people since that would require her to open up about herself. However, when she is given a timid, frightened young man to “raise up” in the field of journalism (Park Bong Soo) she finds herself suddenly telling him things she would never have told anyone else.

Park Min Young owned this role. Of the three characters I have seen her play now, this is by far my favorite one. She is a beautiful actress, but her smile and facial expressions definitely give off a feeling of mischievousness which suits the character of Chae Yeong Shin so perfectly. Her role also provides a nice dynamic that shows off her acting abilities well. She can be funny and serious, cry, laugh, dance, etc... and it all looks so natural on her. This is the drama that really made me like her as an actress. Incredible job!

Kim Moon Ho

Kim Moon Ho, played by Yoo Ji Tae, is one of the most popular TV journalists in Korea, as well as the younger brother of the very influential CEO of a separate news agency, Kim Moon Shik. Due to circumstances in their past, their relationship is very strained and continues to grow more and more so as Kim Moon Ho works to expose the deeds of the past.

Kim Moon Ho's request of Healer to dig into the past of Chae Yeong Shin and his connection to Healer's past client (Kim Moon Shik), who he feels framed him for murder, is the cause for the creation of Park Bong Soo. Thus, bringing these lives together in a now common search for the truth. A truth that could hurt all of the lives surrounding him.

The actor Yoo Ji Tae does a fabulous job with this role. Truly everyone was cast so perfect that I don't think it could have been any other way. His portrayal of compassion and his desire for truth and justice makes him a character that you can't help but love. From the start he shows this incredible character trait. No fame or glory wanted or needed, he only wishes to be an honest reporter who isn't afraid to tell the truth. Yoo Ji Tae, gives this character so much life. Amazing job!

There are a few other people, not listed as main characters, that I felt deserved at least a small mention. :)

Jo Min Ja

Jo Min Ja, played by the incredible Kim Mi Kyung, is the technical brains behind Healer. She can do anything when it comes to the computer and tech and is absolutely hilarious in this role. I saw her also in Heirs, and she was one of my favorite characters, so I really enjoyed seeing her again so soon afterwards. Her relationship with Healer is one of my favorites, and the two of them had me laughing frequently. 

 Kang Dae Yong (Minion)

Kang Dae Yong, played by Tae Mi, could really be considered Healer's backup. She is given missions to assist him and she is always there when she is needed. Healer considers her like his little sister and affectionately lists her in his phone as "Minion". Lol! She was such a great add in, and I love her personality and her brother/sister relationship with Healer.

Choi Myung Hee

The last one I will mention is Choi Myung Hee, played by Do Ji Won. Her character was all sweetness. She was one of the remaining of the original friend group. She lived in the past and mourned the loss of people from her life. She also wanted the truth exposed, but it was much more difficult for her as a past accident causes stress-induced seizures. Everything about her character is lovable. She just provides that motherly caring role for the drama that would seem lacking if she was not there. Do Ji Won does an incredible job portraying her warmness, but also what a seizure would look like. Her acting was incredibly done. 

Lastly, I wanted to touch on the relationship between our two main characters, Healer/Park Bong Soo and Chae Yeong Shin. Honestly, this is probably the sweetest, most romantic relationship I have seen in a Korean drama so far. Watching Healer go from an abandoned boy, a loner, to learning what it feels like to be loved, and to love back... and he does so with all his heart. The chemistry between these two was off the charts. My heart was both broken and warmed as I watched him learn how to accept that love, and to know it was okay to be loved in return. And discover the fears that come with it. He never feared loss before when he had nothing precious to lose. Anyway, I won't go on except to say that this romance set a new standard for me that has not yet been met by any other drama.

To sum it all up... as you would have guessed... this is one of my highest recommended dramas. It has everything from action to romance and is all beautifully done. If you are trying to get someone started on Korean dramas, I think this would be a great one to start with. It ends satisfyingly happy and it moves along without ever dragging. If you have not seen it, put it on the top of your "To Watch" list! Chances are high, you will not be disappointed.


As a bonus, Ji Chang Wook sang the song "지켜줄게" (I Will Protect You) for the drama's OST.

I hope you enjoyed this review!!

Awards Won

Park Min Young - 2014 - Excellence Award, Actress in a Mid-length Drama (KBS Drama Awards)
Ji Chang Wook - 2014 - Popularity Award, Actor (KBS Drama Awards)
Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young - 2014 - Best Couple Award (KBS Drama Awards); 2016 - Best Couple (4th Annual DramaFever Awards)
Healer - 2016 - Best Korean Drama -Melodrama (4th Annual DramaFever Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
