EXO Next Door 우리 옆집에 EXO가 산다 - Review


Title: EXO Next Door 우리 옆집에 EXO가 산다
Genre: Friendship, Music, Romantic Comedy
Release: 2015
Starring (Main Cast)
Park Chan Yeol as himself
Moon Ga Young as Ji Yeon Hee
Do Kyung Soo as himself (D.O.)
Oh Se Hun as himself
Byun Baek Hyun as himself
Director: Lee Kwon

IMDb Rating: 7.2/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.7/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Watch FREE on LINE TV: EXO Next Door 

Episodes: 16 (abt. 10-15 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Low
Sexual Content: Mild - hugging, no kissing
Language: Mild - in the translation I watched there was some use of the a-word and d-word (I did not watch LINE TV's so it may be different there)
Ending: Happy (depending on who you are rooting for), satisfying

My Synopsis

Ji Yeon Hee has a hard time talking to guys. She blushes terribly and often times freezes up entirely. When she finds out her new neighbors are four members of the popular boy group, EXO, she knows she is in serious trouble. Especially when her mother sets her up to be their housekeeper. Can she overcome her serious condition and become friends with EXO? And what happens when one member seems to have a connection to her past?

My Review: 9/10

This drama was quite entertaining. It is also pretty short, falling at about four hours for total length time. An easy, quick, watch if you don't want to not be involved in a long drama. It revolves around a girl and her difficulties with a blushing condition she has been plagued with her entire life. It has kept her from having any boyfriends, since she normally freezes up along with her face turning as red as a radish. She ends up forced/tricked by her mother into being the housekeeper of EXO who rent the house next door and temporarily move in. I enjoyed the building of relationships as they band grows to feel protective over their little housekeeper. Also fun is the brother/friend relationship that comes out of Se Hun meeting Ji Yeon Hee's little brother. 

* Spoiler Warning: Please be aware that there may be some relationship spoilers in this review. However, I think you conclude, or know what the outcome is early on enough that it might not be that much of a spoiler. So judge whether or not you should read on.*

Chan Yeol

Park Chan Yeol plays himself in this drama. This is the first time I have seen him in a drama, but I am familiar with him as a member of EXO. I am always amazed to see how many of these singers are also good actors... is it the power of the directors or are there really this many multi-talented people in Korea? Either way... he did a great job. I want to say he played the character of Park Chan Yeol well, but... could he play it poorly? He is playing himself after all! Lol! The story mainly focused around him and the circumstances that lead the band to be split at the moment. Lots of trials that he blames on the breaking of a necklace that his grandfather had given to him as a child. A necklace that he was told would bring him good luck. Since everything started falling a part immediately after it breaking, he believes it responsible. He returns to his grandfather's house with three other band members to find the copy of the necklace that had belonged to his grandfather. The reuniting of him with a friend from his childhood is an added bonus... and stress. Excellent character writing as well as portrayal.

Ji Yeon Hee

Moon Ga Young, who I first saw in True Beauty, played the lead female role of Ji Yeon Hee. She is an adorable actress. She just radiates youthful energy and fun. I don't know why I get that impression of her. But, I feel that she loves the moments when she can be all silly in these dramas. She does a great job and I enjoyed seeing her in another drama. Her character was fun too. So innocent and unaware at times. Also caring and shy at times as well. You get to see her growth in this as she works to overcome the struggles with her blushing and unease around guys. She also becomes the love interest of two of the members of EXO which adds both some fun and some conflict to the drama. Overall, an excellent job by Moon Ga Young.


D.O. (Do Kyung Soo) is played by himself as a member of EXO. I have to admit that he is the real reason I wanted to see this drama. I loved him in both 100 Days My Prince and My Annoying Brother and I was looking forward to seeing him in another drama. He is the third wheel to the love triangle in this drama. Sadly. I truly had some serious second lead syndrome with this one. D.O. portrays a very caring personality in this. Kind of the one the others turn to first when there are problems and the one everyone feels most comfortable with. Having watched some of the actual band interviews where they talk about themselves, I get the impression that this image of him is very true to life. He is the quiet shy one that looks out for everyone. He was probably the one who was the quickest to show acceptance and caring towards Ji Yeon Hee. Anyway, I already knew that D.O. was a good actor, so his acting in here was no surprise to me. He did a great job as usual.

Se Hun

Oh Se Hun also plays himself as a part of EXO. I found him to be extremely funny in his unlikely pairing with the brother of Ji Yeon Hee, which I will go into more later. Though his role might not have been quite as big as the ones mentioned above I thought that his fun friendship moments were an awesome addition to this drama. Again, another multi-talented individual. Loved his character!

Baek Hyun

Of the five main lead roles I felt his was probably the smallest. I don't remember any really significant scenes with him so I felt it hard to judge him as an actor. However, I did realize that there is something about him that reminds me slightly of Ji Chang Wook... some of his expressions. Anyway, that isn't important. I think he did a fine job in the scenes he was in, and I really had no acting complaints... nothing that made him unbelievable to me at all. Would like to see him more though to really get to know him as an actor.

Ji Kwang Soo

Ji Kwang Soo was played by Jang Yoo Sang. This is the second drama I have seen him in. I saw him first in Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency where he played the older brother of Gae Ddong (the leading lady). Though not listed as a main role in EXO Next Door, I felt he should have been. He had more of a significant role than Baek Hyun, and had quite a bit of air time. He is the absolutely hilarious brother of Yeon Hee, and the instant friend of Se Hun. I just loved him. He was so weird and quirky that he just couldn't help being likeable. I had to list him here as well. I think he will be added to my favorite side character list. Lol!  Oh, and his coat rack should probably get some cast credit too, I'm thinkin'!


I thought I would make this section for all the chemistries, which includes Chan Yeol & Ji Yeon Hee, D.O. & Ji Yeon Hee, and Se Hun & Ji Kwang Soo (Ji Yeon Hee's little brother). Yes, I really wanted to put the bro-mance/brother/friendship-hood relationship of Se Hun and Ji Kwang Soo in here as well, since they may be my favorite relationship of them all. Lol!

Chan Yeol and Ji Yeon Hee

Okay... yes, they are cute together. Even if I kinda wanted her to end up with D.O. I admit they made a cute couple. Plus Chan Yeol goes through so much during the drama that he deserved some happiness. There was definitely chemistry between them and it made for a believable relationship. Plus, we have this fun little enemy to love type of arch that a lot of people like.

D.O. and Ji Yeon Hee

Even though I knew that he wouldn't get the girl early on, I still wanted it. He just had that sweet gentleness with her, and she already felt so comfortable with him, it just seemed right. Especially, since her relation ship with Chan Yeol was quite uncomfortable. But, true to D.O. he still acted as her friend too, regardless of if she returned his feelings or not. I definitely felt some chemistry here, too! Just before this clip below she tells him that he is the guy she is most comfortable with... he responds with this:

Se Hun and Ji Kwang Soo

Like I mentioned above, this was probably my favorite and the most fun relationship of them. These two seem as if they would be unlikely friends, yet the friendship chemistry between them works so well. The strange younger brother of Ji Yeon Hee is quite a bit younger than Se Hun, but one great cup of coffee later and we have this. Lol! And, that brings about a lot of hilarious moments between them.


I really did enjoy this short drama and would definitely recommend it if you are looking for something light and fun in between your other dramas. It has a nice little storyline, some good acting and a lot of great humor. Enjoy!


In addition to acting in this drama, Baek Hyun also sang the song "Beautiful" on this dramas OST. An added bonus for us!

Awards Won

Park Chan Yeol - 2015 - Best New Actor (8th Korea Drama Awards); Hallyu Star Award (8th Korea Drama Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
