Queen: Love and War 간택 - 여인들의 전쟁 - Review


Title: Queen: Love and War 간택 - 여인들의 전쟁
Genre: Historical, Romance, Fantasy, Political
Release: 2019
Starring (Main Cast)
Jin Se Yeon as Kang Eun Bo/Kang Eun Ki
Kim Min Gue as Lee Gyung
Do Sang Woo as Lee Jae Hwa
Lee Yeol Eum as Jo Young Ji
Lee Si Eon as Wal
Director: Kim Jung Min
Writer: Choi Soo Mi

IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
MyDramaList Rating: 7.9/10
Rakuten Viki: 9.4/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here (This synopsis is not accurate, however)

Watch with VIKIPASS Standard on Rakuten VIKIQueen: Love and War 

Episodes: 16 Episodes (abt. 1 hr each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: Use of physical force, fighting, kidnapping, guns/shooting/blood
Sexual Content: Hugging, kissing, insinuated scene
Language: Mild
Ending: Happy, Satisfying

My Synopsis

After years of separation from her family, Kang Eun Bo is suddenly reconnected with them by the events of her twin sister's murder. Headstrong and independent she sets out to discover those behind the assassination. As the head of a local, and privately owned, investigative office, this shouldn't be a problem. Except the fact that the sister that passed away happens to be the late queen, and in the center of a deep political struggle. And even more than that, Kang Eun Bo shares the queen's face, and the secret of their birth which has its roots in a long ago prophecy. As fate presents her as the resurrected queen, can she use this found position to accomplish her goals, even at the cost of her growing affection for the kind-hearted king?


My Review: 8/10

My feelings on this drama are a little bit mixed. Because of this, I am actually having a hard time writing a review. It wasn't a bad drama, but I have definitely seen better historical ones. The story, though it was unique in the use of the twins and the prophecy, still didn't seem that much different than the many other historical dramas I have watched. Mainly because the majority seem to stem from political struggle, the securing of the throne by a family through marriage and children, etc. This really wasn't any different. 

Don't get me wrong though. This wasn't an unpleasant watch. It did, however, have some flaws that kept it from being really good for me. Some of this was tied up in the plot, but a lot of this was also in the acting, which I felt a little forced at times.

Main Characters

Kang Eun Bo/Kang Eun Ki

Jin Se Yeon played the twins Kang Eun Bo and Kang Eun Ki. This is my first time seeing her act. Though I don't think she did a terrible job with her character, I did often think that her acting was a bit stiff. I don't know how to describe it except that it felt as if she put on her character, but she didn't become the character she was portraying. 

We don't see much of Kang Eun Ki, as she dies in the first episode, but we realize she is the quieter more conservative of the two twins. Eun Bo is more fearless, and has no problem putting her own life on the line to accomplish her goal. It is her character that carries the story as she fights to discover the truth and also navigate a growing love for the king. Her character is strong but pure-hearted and generally follows what she feels is right.

Lee Gyung

Kim Min Gue plays the love sick King Lee Gyung. This actor has gained some recent attention with his role in this year's release of the drama, A Business Proposal, which I have not watched. So, this is the first drama I have seen with him. Unfortunately, I wasn't overly impressed. His acting seemed a bit fake and I almost feel as if he tried too hard. Like his co-actress, I felt this was a role he put on but didn't become. 

I think my biggest problem with the king was his written character. He was a good kind king, but he was immature and driven too much by his emotions and obsession with the late queen. I find it funny that the MyDramaList synopsis says that he is "less interested in matters of the heart - and more concerned with bringing peace to the realm." And, also that Kang Eun Bo "discovers that winning the king's favor will not be easy". I have to wonder... did we watch the same drama? Kang Eun Bo's desperation to shake off the king's unrelenting favor makes this statement laughable. His obsession with her governed his decision making. I don't know where that synopsis came from!

Lee Jae Hwa

Do Sang Woo played our peasant prince Lee Jae Hwa. This is my first times seeing this actor as well, but I felt he did a fine job with his character. I am not sure he got pushed super far in this role, but I felt he played his character well and I would be happy to see him in another drama.

The character of Lee Jae Hwa definitely had his likeable moments, but also his not so likeable ones. So, I spent the majority of his scenes not knowing to what extent I should like the man. However, because of this he was a bit more dynamic than the main two characters. I think this made his scenes a little more interesting to watch. Whether I found him actually likeable or not, the truth was, deep down, I wanted to like him. I don't know why, but I did.

Jo Young Ji

Lee Yeol Eum played the antagonistic character of Jo Young Ji. Another new face to me. I think she did alright with this role. I always find it difficult to assess actresses/actors in roles that I don't care for, so I will say, that I think that she fulfilled her role well, as I think I felt about her exactly what was intended by her acting. 

The character of Jo Young Ji was the most frustrating of all the main characters. At first, I thought she might be someone I would like, but her character declines rapidly when it does. Jo Young Ji, has dreamed her whole life of becoming the wife of the king. Having her father in one of the highest roles in the kingdom, she has known the king all her life. At first this goal seems innocent, but when push comes to shove, her true character is revealed.


Lee Si Eon played the lovable, loyal character of Wal. This guy was easily my favorite actor (and character) of the the five mains. Easily. He is also the only face of the five I was previously familiar with as I have also had the pleasure of seeing him in the drama Two Cops, where he played one of my favorite side characters. He again nailed his character here and made himself stand out as one of the most dynamic and likeable characters of the drama.

The character of Wal, is first a friend to the lost Eun Bo. He also is one of her biggest supporters and protectors and he fills a brotherly role in the drama for her. He quickly earns the trust of the king, and truthfully, without him, the story could not have progressed. He also brought some light-hearted fun to the drama, and, as I said, was my favorite character of the five.

Lee Gyung and Kang Eun Bo

Though there was definitely some chemistry between these two, some of the acting and lines between them were a tad cheesy and a little over done. Still, for the most part, I think people will find their relationship very satisfying. Especially for the poor love-tortured king. Personally, I did find his obsession over her a little much. I struggle a little with a king who is too much affected by his emotions. It isn't as romantic to me as it is a huge weakness in his character. Especially, in the position he is in. Again, a personal opinion of mine.


Overall this drama did receive decent ratings and a lot of people found it quite enjoyable to watch. It wasn't a bad watch for me, either, but I feel that there would be other historical dramas I would be more likely to recommend. Have you watched it? What is your opinion?


I wasn't overly impressed by this drama's OST. But for the sake of choosing one to highlight, this one below would have to be my favorite of them.

Sick Love by 12DAL

안녕! - 줄스
