Welcome to Waikiki 으라차차 와이키키 - Review


Title: Welcome to Waikiki 으라차차 와이키키
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Life, Youth
Release: 2018
Starring (Main Cast)
Kim Jung Hyun as Kang Dong Goo
Lee Yi Kyung as Lee Joon Ki
Son Seung Won as Bong Doo Shik
Jung In Sun as Han Yoon Ah
Go Won Hee as Kang Seo Jin
Lee Joo Woo as Min Soo Ah
Director: Lee Chang Min
Writer: Kim Ki Ho
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.6/10
IMDb Rating: 8.3/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.6/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch FREE (with ads) on Rakuten VikiWelcome to Waikiki 

Episodes: 20 (abt. 1 hour and 5 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: Low - there are some mild scenes of fighting and injury
Sexual Content: Kissing, hugging, sexual references, and some blurred out male nudity
Language: Mild - Minimal language use in the translation I watched
Ending: Happy Satisfying

My Synopsis

Three young men, CEOs of an unsuccessful guesthouse, dream of being something more. Each fight to make their way in a world that seems bent on their failure. This life is only complicated by the three woman that share their household and have their own dreams to achieve. Can they learn to live together and help each other, or will their lifestyles tear them apart?


My Review: 9/10

There is so much going on in this drama that I really had to write a basic synopsis or it would have been WAY too long. Each of the main six characters have a story to tell, and a battle to fight and you get to live it all with them each step of the way. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of things in this drama. Though it had good ratings, I wasn't really expecting a lot. It was just my stepping stone to Welcome to Waikiki 2 (which casts one of my favorite actors). However, when I learned that an actress I really liked (Go Won Hee) starred in this, I was excited to watch. I really got a lot more out of it then just another opportunity to watch her act.

First, one must go into this knowing that it is a comedy through and through. Don't go into it expecting serious drama. The majority of the negative comments I have seen (which aren't many) were because of the extreme comedy factor. But, please note that even though this had a lot of silly humor, it also had a lot of clever humor. And, thankfully, no slapstick, which I despise!

The story focuses on six individuals who struggle to overcome failure and make something of themselves. I love the persistence as well as the moments when they feel they should just give up. Even with the humor, I felt the story of each was relatable and I felt it easy to connect to them each. Even the ones I didn't care for at first.

So all in all, I really liked this drama and was very happy that I watched it.

Main Characters

Kang Dong Goo

Kim Jung Hyun played the top main role in this drama. Many probably know him because of his more recent role in the very successful drama Mr. Queen. Other than clips, I have yet to see that one, so this is the first time I had the opportunity to watch him act. And, it was a pleasure. He was hilariously funny, and he had the best expressions. He had a wide variety of emotions to portray and he did a great, very believable, job with them. I will definitely look forward to seeing this actor in more roles.

His character, Kang Dong Goo, was a bit passive at times. He sometimes seemed resolved to be a failure and the opportunities that do present themselves happen to not be as much because of his own pursuit. Other than his dream of being a movie director, he just wanted to be a good person, but sometimes his struggles with himself came out on others. However, when the need arose you find him facing the problem head on and without fear to protect those around him. And, then he promptly turns around and denies that it was out of his concern for them. Though, it obviously was. I really liked his character a lot as he searches for his own self-worth and learns to love unconditionally. He was a very likeable character.

Lee Joon Ki

Lee Yi Kyung played the hilariously funny Lee Joon Ki. He was probably one of the biggest surprises, for me, in the drama. After seeing Lee Yi Kyung in Descendants of the Sun, I wasn't quite sure about him. Not on an acting level, but, because he played a less favorable character in the drama I was kind of predisposed to dislike him. Now this character, I think I can safely say, was my favorite of the drama. He had me laughing so hard I was in tears. He also had the most dynamic role in the drama, in my opinion, and he pulled off everything flawlessly. When he was being silly, I couldn't imagine him being serious, and then he would switch to a more serious scene, I could hardly believe he could be silly. He played the whole gamut, and even proved he could fit a romantic role as well. Kudos to this man! I will never doubt him again! I think I might have to add him to my favorite actors list! He deserves to always hold a main role in my opinion!

As for his character... he was definitely the most comic relief of the trio of male friends. His main pursuit was a career in acting and it was so much fun to see him put himself into so many different roles. Especially, as his character's desperation to make it in the industry caused him to take on some pretty hilarious characters. I felt it was a good view into how difficult it can be to make it in this type of field even when he proved over and over again his acting skill. His character had some very distinct personality traits. His joyful clapping (seen below) when he was excited or happy, and this cheerful "gwaenchana, gwaenchana" whenever anything went wrong, I will miss in my life after this. Absolutely loved this actor and his character!

Bong Doo Shik

Son Seung Won played the cute character of Bong Doo Shik. I don't know how their ages matched up exactly, but I think he was the youngest, and he definitely filled the role of the cute youngest brother well. He was also a surprise for me. I had seen him previously in the drama Healer. He was such a serious character in that drama that even though that one came before this drama by four years, he seemed so much older in it. It is like he took a step back in time to play this role. I spent a good portion of his scenes wanting to pinch his cheeks and adopt him as my son. Lol! Not sure anyone could pull off those round glasses like he can. His character was not as demanding in the area of acting as the other two male leads, but what his character did ask of him, he delivered well. I enjoyed his acting and I felt he is really the only actor that could have filled this role so well.

As for his character. He seemed the most content with where he was in life. Sure, he would have accepted more, but, what he wanted to do he loved doing despite whether he made any money off of it or not. His dream was to be a writer... a novel writer or screenwriter... and some opportunities do come his way. But, the majority of the time, he just enjoyed writing his online stories and boosting his own view count. Lol. He was a fun character, who really got along pretty well with everyone.

Han Yoon Ah

Jung In Sun played the absolutely adorable Han Yoon Ah. She was another one I could have just adopted. She has a face and a sad look that could easily wrap anyone around her finger. She just looks so innocent. I think it would be hard not to believe everything she says. Lol! Putting that aside, I really did think she did a great job acting. Again, like Son Seung Won, I don't think she really had a super huge challenge in acting. She played such a gentle quiet role, and she really didn't step out of that character. I would definitely love to see if she could pull off a more dynamic role. I will be looking up more of her works for sure!

The character of Han Yoon Ah, was so very sweet. Having had a rough life all the way through, she just tries not to be a burden to those around her. Her motherly instincts don't just extend to her sweet daughter Sol, but to all those around her. And, she dotes on them, and cares for them all in such a sweet way. She also has her own dreams, but struggles with finding something she is good at. What she wants most in life is to be a good providing mother to her daughter. She is a beautiful character. 

Kang Seo Jin

Go Won Hee played the incredibly funny Kang Seo Jin. She was the sister to the main lead, Kang Dong Goo. This actress is crazy in a very good way. I first saw her in Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency where she played such a serious, stuck up role. I really struggled to like her character. That was my first introduction to her. Second, was Strongest Deliveryman. I could hardly believe it was the same girl. I loved her. Go Won Hee and Kim Seon Ho quickly became my favorite actors/couple of the drama and they weren't the main leads. This role was definitely more along the lines of Strongest Deliveryman, and yet still her character was very different. I am amazed at how she can keep a straight face during some of these scenes. She is hilariously funny and I definitely feel she is a favorite actress of mine. Incredible acting, and of the three girls, she probably had the most dynamic role.

The character of Kang Seo Jin definitely had a lot of layers. She could be kind and caring, but in general was a little bit of a firecracker. She had a hard time not fighting back when she felt challenged. Her long-term dream was to be a reporter, but she found that entering the field was more difficult than she imagined. And, as much as she wanted it, there were some things she was not willing to sacrifice to get it, which made me appreciate her character more. She jumps to extremes often, but each and every emotion somehow suits her character. She was so very funny and added so much dynamic to the story. 

Min Soo Ah

Lee Joo Woo played the beautiful and, often times, simpleton Min Soo Ah. To be honest, I am a little surprised that this actress hasn't done more. Other than this one, the works she has been a part of are relatively unknown. However, I felt she did an amazing job with this character and is a great actress. I would love it if she could score a great leading role in her future. She was the perfect cast for this role, in my opinion, and even with her flighty and self-centeredness, she was also able to make her character likable. Excellent acting!

The character of Min Soo Ah, probably goes through the biggest change of the three girls in how she is viewed by the viewer. She starts out seeming to be just an arrogant snob. Even seeming intelligent with how she looks down on everyone. But, the more we get to know her, the more we realize that she is a little more like an airhead with some great visuals. Haha! But, even her character has a dream, like them all, and once she puts her mind to it, she is not easily discouraged. I really enjoyed her character.

Kang Dong Goo and Han Yoon Ah

The chemistry between these two was very sweet. I loved the awkwardness of Dong Goo and how he fought so hard against his attraction to Yoon Ah. But, everything she did and said affected him and it was adorably cute. Yoon Ah, also struggled with growing feelings, but past hurts and abandonments made it very difficult for her to let anyone in. It was heart-warming to watch them go from a very conflicted and bumpy relationship to one of deep caring. 

Lee Joon Ki and Kang Seo Jin

I also loved this relationship. It was a bit of a surprise to me as with the incredible goofiness of Lee Joon Ki it was difficult for me to imagine him as a romantic. But, the actor pulls it off to perfection, as he does all other emotions and roles. Again, kudos to Lee Yi Kyung! This relationship is hilarious in many ways. They start out with almost a more brotherly/uncle type relationship as Lee Joon Ki has been in Seo Jin's life since she was little. But, her view of him changes as time and time again she finds him sacrificing himself and his dreams to help her accomplish her own. This may be my favorite relationship in the drama.

Bong Doo Shik and Min Soo Ah

This was the most unlikely relationship in the drama, in my opinion. But, they do say that opposites attract. 😅 We have Doo Shik, who is boyish, likes his sweat suits, video games and writing ridiculous web novels. He is a little socially awkward and definitely geeky. Then we have Soo Ah, who is meticulous about her appearance, skincare, and clothes. She likes to be the center of attention and is very bold and vindictive at times. Yet, despite their vast differences, they always seem to find themselves together in everything, and eventually, much to her own dismay, she suddenly realizes that she finds him attractive. They have a very complicated yet, satisfying relationship.

Support Characters

There were two support characters I felt worthy of mention here. There really weren't a lot of support characters, but there were a ton of guest appearances, so these two were of the few "long-termers" in the drama.

Song Hyun Joon

Kang Kyung Joon played the compassionate and competitive Song Hyun Joon. He really was a gentle character for the most part, but having an interest in our main lead's girl ends up leading him into some conflict and competition with Dong Goo. He was a very likeable character. And, even though I am not a fan of love triangles, I didn't mind him so much. I felt the actor did a great job with his role and I am sad to see that he has not done another drama since this one. 

Baby Sol

Han Yeo Reum played the most adorable character in the entire drama, Baby Sol. Though, I realize that she couldn't possibly be acting, it sure seemed like she was. Those that got her to smile at the right times, or look in a certain direction when needed, all did great at helping her fill her role. She had the cutest smile and I thought that she was such a sweet addition to the cast. Everyone seemed so comfortable and natural with her. I need more babies in dramas!


Would I recommend this drama? Absolutely! I thought it was fun from beginning to end. I laughed a lot and truly enjoyed getting to know the very different characters that lived at Waikiki. I truly hope to see more from each of these actors. Loved this drama!

안녕! - 줄스
