Doctor John 의사요한 - Review


Title: Doctor John 의사요한
Genre: Medical, Mystery, Life, Romance
Release: 2019
Starring (Main Cast)
Ji Sung as Cha Yo Han
Lee Se Young as Kang Shi Young
Lee Kyu Hyung as Son Suk Gi
Hwang Hee as Lee Yoo Joon
Director: Jo Soo Won
Writer: KimJi Woon
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.5/10
IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.5/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

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Episodes: 32 (abt. 35 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: moderate - there is at least one scene of someone getting beat up as well as blood associated with surgeries and injuries seen in a hospital/emergency setting. 
Sexual Content: Kissing, hugging
Language: Mild - Minimal language use in the translation I watched
Ending: Happy Satisfying

My Synopsis

Dr. Cha Yo Han (Dr. John) is a genius anesthesiologist (a specialist in the area of pain management), and a well known one at that. Already making a name for himself with his ability to diagnose illnesses quickly and accurately he finds his career put on hold when he is imprisoned for the murder of one of his patients. Towards the end of his sentence he meets the bright young Doctor Kang Shi Young, who is in the midst of running from her own "failures" as a doctor. However, an incident within the prison forces them to work together to solve a problem that ultimately changes Dr. Kang's life. Circumstances again brings them together when as time passes they find themselves both working in the same department at a hospital, with Dr. Cha being Dr. Kang's superior. Having regained his license to practice he returns and once again begins to make a name for himself in the field of medicine. However, a deep secret threatens to ruin everything for him. One that has a time stamp on it... When Doctor Kang learns the truth she vows to protect the man she has come to look up to. But, what will they do when time begins to run out?


My Review: 10/10

To be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to come up with a synopsis for this one. Most of the synopsis' I have read, really don't say much at all because nobody wants to spoil what is kept secret for a portion of this drama. Because of that, I feel the drama isn't done justice in them. I hope I was able to give it its due even without revealing anything!

Personally, I loved this drama an awful lot. As a nurse, I am naturally drawn to dramas in the medical genre. And, I am particularly intrigued by unique cases and situations. This definitely had its share. As I said above, there are a lot of things that get uncovered along the way. You get pieces at first... We know that Dr. Cha is in prison for murder. The circumstances of which are revealed slowly. We also know that Dr. Kang has had a situation where she had to make a similar choice. You won't know at first what happened, but you do know that whatever it was left her traumatized and with no confidence in her abilities as a doctor. And last, there is a deep secret that threatens Dr. Cha. This and the love plot are probably the main driving forces of this drama. 

Main Characters

Cha Yo Han

Doctor Cha Yo Han was played by the talented and popular actor, Ji Sung. Saying he did an amazing job acting in this drama is probably a given. He is known to be an incredible actor and he does not disappoint here. I, personally, have only seen one other drama with him in it (Familiar Wife) but it is in my top favorite dramas and I have a lot of respect for this actor. I honestly can't imagine anyone else playing this role. He is an extremely versatile actor and I don't think there is a role he could not play, or an emotion he could not portray.

The character of Doctor Cha, is a refreshing one. Generally, he doesn't care what people think. He does what he feels is right, whether or not someone agrees with him. He has a great desire to discover and fix medical problems in others and is not a quitter or a short-cutter in any way, shape, or form. As a medical professional, myself, he is the type of person I long to have as a superior. He directs, and leads, but always draws those under him in to participate and have a voice. I wish I could share the secret with you as it is really the underlying drive behind his character and one of the reasons you should keep watching through to the end! I can't imagine you would be disappointed.

Kang Shi Young

Kang Shi Young was played by the beautiful Lee Se Young. She is one of my favorite actresses. I have seen her act previously in both The Crowned Clown and Memorist. I find her to be a very believable actress all across the emotional spectrum. However, I don't know if she could fill every role, only because I think she looks too sweet and kind to ever be evil. Lol. But, maybe someday I will find her proving me wrong? 

Her character is probably the most reviewer-criticized in the drama. Many people found her to be too clinging or even stalker-ish of Dr. Cha. I guess, I did not think that way while watching, maybe because I feel that if I had the opportunity to work under someone like him, I probably would be the same way. Kang Shi Young has a genuine compassion for people. Sometimes this causes a problem in the eyes of some of the characters as they feel she can become too emotionally involved. However, she shares the desire and passion to heal that Dr. Cha does and because of this I feel he often has her work along side him and oftentimes consults with her as they work to solve a problem. I love how happy she got whenever she was right in her assessments. Overall, I felt she was a great teammate for him and they had a natural working chemistry.

Son Suk Gi

Son Suk Gi was played by Lee Kyu Hyung. This is the first drama I have seen with this actor. I felt he did a good job, though I don't know that I really got a good idea of the range of his acting ability with this one role. And, he actually did not get as much screen time as I would expect from a main character. However, he was believable and I would be interested in seeing more of his work.

His character was the main antagonist of a co-antagonistic pair. If that makes any sense... ? He is the prosecutor who originally sent Dr. Cha to jail. Unhappy with the short sentence he is just waiting for him to make another mistake so he can pounce on him. On his side is a nurse with a vendetta against Dr. Cha. Again, this is something you will learn more about as you go. Truly this drama is one with layers you uncover as you watch more and more. I will give a little away in saying that this character does have a bit of an arch. And, as much as I didn't like him, I also kind of liked him. 

Lee Yoo Joon

Lee Yoo Joon was played by Hwang Hee. He is relatively new to acting with his first role being in 2017, two years prior to this one. This the first time I have seen him act, but strangely enough the drama I am currently watching (Arthdal Chronicles) also casts this actor in a support role. After not liking him at first, he quickly grew on me. I thought he did a great job with this role, and I loved the fun-loving personality he brought to the character. Like Lee Kyu Hyung, I don't think this role pushed him to great extent in other emotional areas, but I definitely would like to see him act again. He did a great job with this role!

As far as his character goes... like I said above, I wasn't super fond of him at first, but I came to like him an awful lot the more I got to know him. I thought he brought a lot of fun to this drama, and his passion for his job also made him a great second in command to Dr. Cha. He seemed to be a bit of a peacemaker. He was good at lightening moods. But, when needed he got down to business and was a very intelligent doctor. I really enjoyed the addition of his character to this drama.

Chan Yo Han and Kang Shi Young

If I had a post for couples with the best chemistry these two would be in it. I felt they were an incredible match and their relationship was so comfortable and believable. The looks and moments between them (in which there were many) were heart-warming and pulse-racing at the same time. I have often wondered how hard it would be to act out these looks and feelings with out falling a little in love during the moment. These two were so believable I wouldn't doubt that they did. 

The relationship between these two starts out a little rough but seems to turn quickly into a mentor and mentee role. A professional relationship, in which Kang Shi Young looks up to and almost idolizes Dr. Cha. This is probably where she becomes a little stalker-ish as she lives for when she can be in his vicinity. You can often tell by the looks and care given by Dr. Cha that the deeper feelings are mutual. However, a secret stands in their way. One that makes their growing affection even more heart-rending. But, I will say no more on that. Only that the evolution of their relationship feels natural as I think they really are early on drawn to each other in this way, even if it isn't acknowledged.

Support Characters

There were many support characters I could name. My favorite, however, were the team members that worked under Dr. Cha. Oh, to be a member of that team! As I said earlier, Dr. Cha, loves to involve those under him. He takes his role of mentor/leader seriously and works to help each member grow. I love their brainstorm sessions where they bring a case before the group and they work together to solve the problem. I think you will come to love each  member of the pain management department.


I highly recommend this drama. It is on my list of favorites for sure. Easy. I loved the uniqueness of the characters and the storyline. And, I enjoyed the mystery and discovery of the pieces of this puzzle along the way. It kept me glued from beginning to end. A top-notch medical drama! 

Awards Won

Lee Se Young - 2019 - Excellence Award in Miniseries Actress (27th SBS Drama Awards)
Lee Kyu Hyung - 2019 - Excellence Award Actor (12th Korea Drama Awards)
Yoon Chan Young - Child Actor Award (27th SBS Drama Awards)


This Drama has an OST that is in our top favorite OSTs. Enjoy it below!

Star by Min Seo

안녕! - 줄스
