Memorist 메모리스트 - Review


Title: Memorist 메모리스트
Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Supernatural
Release: 2020
Starring (Main Cast)
Yoo Seung Ho as Dong Baek
Lee Se Young as Han Sun Mi
Jo Sung Ha as Lee Shin Woong [Deputy Chief]
Director: So Jae Hyun and Kim Hwi
Writer: Ahn Do Ha and Hwang Ha Na
Rakuten Viki Rating9.5/10
IMDb Rating: 7.6/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.4/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with free on Rakuten VIKI: Memorist 

Episodes: 16 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Hitting, yelling, fight scenes and blood
Sexual Content: Verbal references, and case involving rape
Language: Mild to moderate (depends on where you watch)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Dong Baek is detective with a supernatural gift that has gained him attention world wide. The ability to view a person's memories via touch. However, the attention he has received is not all good and as the lawful use of his abilities comes into question his position is put at risk. While fighting against the system, a series of events draws him back into the middle of a serious crime investigation that puts him in the list of suspects. He must earn the trust of the young Senior Superintendent Han Sun Mi, a genius profiler with a degree in criminal psychology. Together they must reveal the person who shares his gift, and the secrets that link their pasts.


My Review: 10/10

This was the first drama I have watched that did not have a love plot. I was kind of afraid I wouldn't like that about it, but really, there was so much going on here that I didn't even have time to notice it missing. Based on a popular webtoon, the story mainly revolves around Dong Baek (Yoo Sueng Ho) a detective with the supernatural gift of psychometry. His ability has uncovered and solved many cold case crimes and has earned him worldwide fame. However, his methods are unorthodox and his tendency to take memories without permission puts the usefulness of them in question, and eventually places him on probation. Evidence obtained unlawfully, alongside the fact that memories aren't hard viewable facts begin to cause some upset within the force and a question of whether or not his abilities should be used. However, a recent series of events places him alongside a young senior superintendent with a genius profiler ability and a degree in criminal psychology (Han Sun Mi played by Lee Se Young). This has an excellent plotline that kept me glued as the action moved the story along at a nice pace.

Dong Baek

Dong Beck is played by the actor Yoo Seung Ho. This the third drama I have seen him in. To be honest, I was not sure how I felt about him after seeing him first in I Am Not a Robot. Seeing him in The Emperor: Owner of the Mask gave me a lot more respect for him, but this drama put him over the top. This is by far my favorite character I have seen him play so far. He portrayed the character of Dong Baek to perfection and I absolutely loved him. Probably one of my favorite characters in a drama. Dong Baek, at first, may seem like someone who enjoys his notoriety. Many see it that way, but during the course of the drama you learn that, in fact, it has little importance to him at all. His drive to uncover and expose the crimes of others often puts him in the spotlight, but it is his hate for injustice that is his push to do so. When a series of murders connect themselves to his past he finds himself having to go against the system he has worked under to find the truth - and at the risk of his own life. As the use of his psychometry takes its physical toll he fears he may be running out of time. Yoo Seung Ho does an incredible job of bringing Dong Baek to life.

Han Sun Mi

Lee Se Young is a beautiful actress that portrays the genius criminal profiler Han Sun Mi. Her long-term drive, since she was young, was to uncover the truths from the past event that links her to Dong Baek. A case that has long since been cold. When new events link to the past, she finds her opportunity. Joining hands with Dong Baek, they will work against a corrupt system to find the truth. This is the second drama I have seen Lee Se Young in. The first was The Crowned Clown. Both of which she has done a fabulous job in. She has a very kind, sweet face, and I was afraid at first that she wouldn't be able to look stern enough for this role, but she surprised me. I thought her portrayal perfect. She was a force to be reckoned with and yet she could slip into the caring role as well. I loved the dynamic that this challenged her with and I felt she filled the role well.

Dong Baek and Han Sun Mi - Actor Chemistry

No, there is no romance in this drama. However, there is a relationship that does develop between Dong Baek and Han Sun Mi. Even if it is only a friend relationship, it is one where they definitely grow to care about each other and worry about the other's safety. Dong Baek worries she will put herself in harms way and he won't be able to save her, and Sun Mi worries that Dong Baek will push his psychometry so far that he will die from it. Because of this they both sacrifice for the other. I feel that they could have easily pushed this into a romantic relationship, but at the same time, I think it was good for the plot that they didn't. The end was left in a way that a second could easily be made (which I hope will happen). Maybe then we can see the two move beyond friendship? *hopes* Anyway, the chemistry between them is excellent and I love watching them work together.

The Three Stooges

Other than the pairing of Dong Baek with Sun Mi, I felt these three made the best team ever. They were funny together and I thought they did a great job at adding a little humor into a more serious drama. Ko Chang Seok plays Goo Kyung Tan, the team chief (though they tend to follow Dong Baek's lead more than not). I first saw Ko Chang Seok in Good Doctor, where he played a nurse in the pediatric ward. He was one of my favorite characters in that drama, and he did just as excellent of a job here. Yoon Ji On plays Oh Se Hoon, Baek's partner. This was my first time seeing him in a drama, but he definitely left a good impression. Yay for these three! I loved them, they made such a hilarious team!

Jin Hae Gyu

Though considered a guest role, I felt that I needed to mention this one more character. Jin Hae Gyu was played by one of my favorite actors, Jo Han Chul. The role was more like a support role than a guest role since he played a pretty significant part for at least 6 episodes, and his character was mentioned many times after. As usual, he did amazing. I had never seen him in a role quite like this before... he plays a man that has some psychic ability and has a psychotic way about him. At first I had a hard time figuring out whether he was good or bad... but, things reveal themselves overtime and his part in this could not be done without as he sheds light where none would have been had he not been there. An excellent acting job in my opinion!

In conclusion, I truly would recommend this drama to anyone who loves action and suspense. If you can't live without romance, maybe this one is not for you, but I would still encourage you to give it a try. Maybe you will find you don't always need that to make a drama good. I can testify to this as this is not the normal genre I like to watch, but I really liked this one and truly appreciated the storyline and the amazing acting. To be honest, I am really hoping that they decide to do another season. No news yet, and they probably won't but, I would watch it for sure, and would love to see Dong Baek and Sun Mi together again!

안녕! - 줄스
