Chicago Typewriter 시카고 타자기 - Review


Title: Chicago Typewriter 시카고 타자기
Genre: Friendship, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Supernatural, Political
Release: 2017
Starring (Main Cast)
Yoo Ah In as Han Se Joo/Seo Hwi Young
Im Soo Jung as Jun Seol/Ryu Soo Hyun
Go Kyung Pyo as Yoo Jin Oh/Shin Yool
Kwak Shi Yang as Baek Tae Min/Heo Young Min
Director: Kim Chul Gyu
Writer: Jin Soo Wan
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.7/10
IMDb Rating: 8.3/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.8/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch FREE (with ads) on Rakuten VikiChicago Typewriter 

Episodes: 16 (abt. 1 hour and 10 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: moderate to high - fist fighting, blood, knives, guns, falling, death
Sexual Content: Kissing, hugging
Language: Some mild language use in the translation I watched.
Ending: Satisfying (but with mixed emotions and questions for us)

My Synopsis

Korean Drama Chicago Typewriter Intro Gif

As Han Se Joo (Yoo Ah In), a popular novel writer, falls into a writing slump he is suddenly gifted with an antique typewriter with a very peculiar connection to his past life. Strange dreams begin to occur that interestingly include a loyal fan he recently met, Jun Seol (Im Soo Jung), and a mysterious ghostwriter, Yoo Jin Oh (Go Kyung Pyo). Together they must unlock their past memories and tell a story that has been waiting to be told for 80 years. As the stories of their fight against the Japanese invasion of the 1930s slowly come into light, will these friends from the past be able to cope with the answer to their final question?


My Review: 10/10

Korean Drama Chicago Typewriter GIF Yoo Ah In, Im Soo Jung, Go Kyung Pyo

I think this will always be a favorite drama of mine. It was so unique to anything else I have watched so far. It was easy to get sucked into the lives of these characters... both their past and their present. The story mainly focuses around Han Se Joo, a popular fiction writer who struggles to make real connections to others due to a lifetime of betrayal. When a devoted fan ends up being the deliverywoman for an antique typewriter, his life begins to change. Images from his past life begin to emerge and he ends up on a mission to write a story he had started 80+ years ago. A story that has a mysterious ending that he must seek to uncover. It is a beautiful story of love and friendship that spans lifetimes and brings to life a piece of history. Here we get a glimpse into the lives of those that fought against the Japanese invasion of the 1930s. The risks they took, and all they gave up for their country. I found myself laughing, and crying during this one. And, normally I don't like too serious of a rollercoaster when it comes to my emotions, but I couldn't help but love this one. Knowing that throughout history there have been strong people who, even if afraid, valued their and their country's freedom over their lives. It for some reason just makes me a bit proud of the human race. Yes, we have our share of undesirable people in this world... but there will always be those with hero hearts among them.

Main Characters

Han Se Joo/Seo Hwi Young

Han Se Joo/Seo Hwi Young was played by Yoo Ah In. This is the first time I have had the pleasure of watching him act. I found him very convincing in his roles. His character was easily distinguishable between the two men he played. One, Seo Hwi Young, the fearless leader of his group of rebels against the Japanese invasion. And two, the reclusive writer, Han Se Joo, of the present. I loved to watch the latter's growth and how he slowly took on more of the characteristics of his former life the more that life intertwined with his. The character of Seo Hwi Young was my favorite... I am sure because he sacrificed the most, and there is something that always gets me about someone who sacrifices their own desires for the sake of their people. I will talk a little more about that later. There were times when the present version (Han Se Joo) frustrated me a little, but even still, I found myself drawn to him as well. The actor did a great job with portraying these characters. I felt the production crew also did an amazing job with making him visually different. Even though he had the same face, the cuts of his hair and the shape of his glasses, changed his look considerably and he almost looked like a different person. Overall, I was very happy with these characters and the actor's portrayal of them.

Jun Seol/Ryu Soo Hyun

Jun Seol/Ryu Soo Hyun were played by the actress Im Soo Jung. This is also the first time I am seeing her act as well. She had some clues into her past life at a very early age and because of that already had some character traits she shared with her previous self. One of which was her being extremely good with a gun. In her past life as Ryu Soo Hyun, we see her early on being saved as a young girl with the assassination of her family. She pretty much finished her growing up years with the rebel group disguised as a boy with only a few close comrades aware of who she really was. Two of which, her closest friends, both have a love for her that goes deeper than just that of a friend or sister. Her present life is quite different however. A fan of the present Han Se Joo, he is very untrusting and resistant to their friendship at first. It leads to a lot of funny moments, and also touching ones as pieces of her from the past begin to surface in his mind. I thought the actress did a beautiful job playing her roles. I was particularly fond of her boyish character. She made a cute energetic young boy and it was fun to see the three friends together this way.

Yoo Jin Oh/Shin Yool

Yoo Jin Oh/Shin Yool was played by Go Kyung Pyo. This is actually my second time seeing this actor. The first was in The Strongest Deliveryman. Though, I definitely liked him in that drama, I felt I liked him even better in this one. He suited this role well in both character and look. I think he was meant to wear old fashioned suits. Yes! He was the most mysterious character of the show, and to avoid spoiling anything I will try not to go into great detail as to why. What I will tell you is that he was one of the three friends from the past. He also remembers the most about that time and his appearance in Han Se Joo's life (present) was a huge trigger into the returning of his past memories. His character was very warm and likeable. He had some mischievousness to him, but he had a deep and strong love for both Han Se Joo and Jun Seol, and of course their former personalities as well. He is a big driving factor of the drama. He was a character that I couldn't help but love and root for and cry for... Go Kyung Pyo did an incredible job bringing the past and present to life!

Baek Tae Min/Heo Young Min

Baek Tae Min/Heo Young Min was played by Kwak Shi Yang. Another first time actor for me. He played a very handsome villain... in both lives really. He did a great job at being weaselly and devious. And, really seeming conscienceless. I didn't like this guy at all. The actor did a great job, but the character, as intended, was not likable in the least. Sometimes, I do like villains that have some likeable qualities, or at least a story that makes me feel for them. This guy does have a story, but for some reason, in this case, it didn't help him for me at all. However, I do hope to see this actor in a more appealing role at some point. He definitely looks kind and friendly, and could easily play a lead "good-guy" role. I do think his friendly look helped this character since he easily deceived others into thinking him to be other than what he was. Overall, great acting!

Han Se Joo and Jun Seol

There was definitely no love at first sight for these two... well at least on the side of Han Se Joo. Jun Seol had for a long time a fan-crush on him. And, luck seems to be on her side when she ends up with a package she must deliver directly to his front door. Their interactions at first do not go well... at all. In fact, Jun Seol is ready to give up her fandom for the jerk when things start to take a turn. As images of his past life surface he finds himself drawn more and more to Jun Seol. And as promised in his past life, he recognizes her first. Their relationship naturally evolves despite all those opposed and a sweet relationship develops. I felt this couple had great natural chemistry. Seeing the wishes of the past finally fulfilled in these two was heart-warming and satisfying.

Seo Hwi Young and Ryu Soo Hyun

This was the most heart-breaking relationship to watch... but in turn made the present one so much sweeter. Seo Hwi Young was Ryu Soo Hyun's rescuer. He keeps this a secret however, as well as his identity as the leader of the rebellion. Instead he plays the role of a trashy love novel writer and a playboy. It is all a cover of course, but he uses it to keep a wall between him and Soo Hyun. For his own sake as well as hers. His mission in life is for his country, and he sacrifices the deep love and affection he has for her for this. But, on both sides we see glimpses of it, and when the call of duty requires him to kiss her for her protection he takes advantage of the moment and lowers his wall. But, only for that moment. Then life continues on and  Hwi Young and Soo Hyun must continue to suffer their mutual affections in silence.

Shin Yool and Ryu Soo Hyun

Shin Yool also held a deep love for Ryu Soo Hyun. It was a one-sided love, and except to be very warm and oftentimes brotherly with her, he did not really act on it. For one, relationships are not allowed in the rebellion. It was considered a weakness... and for Shin Yool, it was for sure that. He had a harder time ignoring his feelings for the cause than did his comrade brother, Seo Hwi Young, and he had hopes for a free future for him and Soo Hyun. I have to say, though I didn't have any second lead envy with this one, I for sure loved his starry eyes as he watched the girl he loved. Very sweet.

Support Characters

There were quite a few side characters but none that I really particularly liked enough to mention other than Ma Bang Jin played by Yang Jin Sung. She was the close friend/adopted sister to our main present girl, Jun Seol. She had some very unique gifts, which I won't spoil for you. She meets Yoo Jin Oh very early on and it is love at first sight for her. She is cute and hilarious and I really enjoyed her contribution to the drama. Definitely my favorite of the side characters. Yang Jin Sung did a great job with this character. This is my first time seeing her in a drama, but I would definitely like to see her do more!


I would highly recommend this drama! It spans so many genres I feel it would be a good fit for most people. And, the story here is told beautifully. I will say however, that the ending may leave you with some questions. Was it happy? Yes... I would say so. Was it sad? Yes... a little that too. But, there was also hopefulness and a little something to ponder on... as the final scene left me with a lot to think about. Definitely a drama we recommend be on your "to watch" list!


Normally I only post OSTs that are done by the actors/actresses within the drama. However, this drama had some of my favorite OSTs (and one of my least favorite, which I won't link to). This first one especially... I don't know why but it made me want to cry every time it played... 

Satellite by SALTNPAPER

Writing Our Stories by SG Wannabe

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