Suits 슈츠 - Review


Title: Suits 슈츠
Genre: Action, Business, Law, Life, Romance
Release: 2018
Starring (Main Cast)
Jang Dong Gun as Choi Kang Seok
Park Hyung Sik as Go Yun Woo
Jin Hee Kyung as Kang Ha Yun
Chae Jung An as Hong Da Ham
Go Sung Hee as Kim Ji Na
Choi Gwi Hwa as Chae Geun Shik
Director: Kim Jin Woo, Kwon Young Il
Writer: Kim Jung Min

IMDb Rating: 7.4/10
Audience Rating: 4.7/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.2/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with subscription on Netflix: Suits 

Episodes: 16 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: TV-MA (Age 15+)
Violence: Some hitting, blood
Sexual Content: References during some cases, kissing, hugging, and one insinuated scene.
Language: Mild
Ending: Satisfying

My Synopsis

Go Yun Woo struggled through life after the death of his parents when he was very young. Born a genius with a photographic memory he dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but the financial conditions of his upbringing did not allow for it. Instead, his need for money and his connection to a friend of bad influence causes him to constantly be digging himself out of trouble. In need of money to pay his grandmother's medical bills, he takes an illegal job that turns out to be a set up with police. While making his escape he finds himself in line for an interview at a prestigious law firm with the group's top lawyer himself. Despite the conditions and his lack of a legitimate license to practice, Attorney Choi Kang Seok sees something special in him. At the risk of his own license he takes him on, and quickly learns that he wasn't wrong about Go Yun Woo. His genius, passion and compassion turns out to be invaluable. However, the truth of his illegal practice hangs over them like a noose. What will happens when the foundations of the law firm are shaken and Go Yun Woo's past comes into question?


My Review: 10/10

It is sad that in many countries the circumstances of your birth decide the opportunities that will be available to you. I am NOT an expert on Korea, but through so many dramas I get the impression that those born into the lower class generally find it hard to rise up out of it. I think it is easier here in the US, but still not easy, especially to get out of the mentality of poverty that often times keeps people there. Anyway, I don't want to make this too deep. Go Yun Woo is an example of a incredibly gifted individual stuck in the cycle of trying to survive poverty. A cycle that often pulls people into illegal activity to pay the bills. When an opportunity by chance is given him, he takes it, at the risk of everything. Why does Attorney Choi take that risk as well? This is a question that is asked multiple times throughout the drama. My early guess... he saw himself in Go Yun Woo, and that under his tough exterior, there is a soft spot of compassion for a boy who just wants to succeed in life. The plot is very much driven by Go Yun Woo's tendency for mistakes and his growth into a competent and indispensable member of Kang & Ham. It does have a love plot as well, but this is very much a background plot to everything else that is going on. 

As far as my opinion of the plot, I thought it very well done. Each episode starts with a saying/proverb that has a baring on the current episode as well as the plotline. I loved the relationship between our two male leads. Sometimes it was friendship, sometimes mentorship, sometimes animosity, but overall there was a kinship between these two that really can't be explained other than that deep down they were very much like each other. Yet, they were also very different. Their thought process was so similar that there were times when the mentorship role naturally switched to the other, and you find Go Yun Woo filling that role with Attorney Choi. Of course, Yun Woo's tendency to be proud of himself over things causes him to usually point this out in some way that frustrates Attorney Choi in an amusing way. Anyway, I give this a 10/10. It had twists and turns that kept me guessing. As someone who has read an awful lot, I generally can predict almost everything in a book or movie. However, I have been extremely fond of Korean dramas for the fact that they have given me so many twist and turns I could not predict. It is what keeps me glued to my screen. This drama is no different, either. 

As an additional note, for those who may not know, this drama is based on the United States television series "Suits" that is still ongoing. I have not seen it myself, but I can imagine that this version would easily rival it. What can I say... South Korea knows how to tell a darn good story!

Choi Kang Seok

Choi Kang Seok was played by Jang Dong Gun who has had quite the acting career. This is the first time I have seen him in a role, but I definitely look forward to following some of his other works. His character really had an equal lead role with that of Go Yun Woo. Since he is the top attorney and really the guide for Go Yun Woo, I thought it only right to start with him. His character was sometimes hard to guess. Here he differs from Yun Woo, who tended to show his feelings more openly. Attorney Choi finds his strength in the appearance that he presents. What does he present? Well, a person who is strong, confident, and at times merciless. Yet, even through this exterior we get glimpses that compassionate bones lie beneath. But, in this dog-eat-dog world, compassion is a weakness and one that he can't afford. However, Attorney Choi is not one to back down from a fight. In his own words, he does not want to be a card played by others, but instead the one who holds the deck. This is the character trait that has brought him to the top. Jang Dong Gun, does an excellent job portraying this character. Even though, Kang Seok is rather rigid, he does also have have his moments of emotion and anger that Jang Dong Gun expertly renders.

Go Yun Woo

Go Yun Woo was played by the popular actor Park Hyung Sik. He was a perfect fit for the role. I have seen this actor in multiple different dramas and have always felt him to be at the top of his class. He has yet to disappoint me. This role, like many of his others, has demanded a lot from him in the range of emotions he portrays. His character is much more openly compassionate than that of his counterpart. And truly, he was unable to act against his convictions, a trait that both irritated Attorney Choi and also impressed him. Go Yun Woo quickly discovers that there are definitely downsides to being an attorney. The biggest of which is defending those he does not feel worth defending... those he feels are in the wrong. This almost costs him his opportunity. Yet, through his mistakes, and experiences, the genius way he navigates his cases, and the impact his expression has on those he struggles against brings him out time and time again and he becomes the saving grace of Kang & Ham. I loved that with all his good traits he had some serious flaws as well. Even if we couldn't relate to his genius and photographic memory, we could relate to him in all other aspects. Behind the brains was a genuine human who tried and failed and tried again. Excellent acting by Park Hyung Sik, and excellent writing by Kim Jung Min!

Kim Ji Na

Kim Ji Na was played by Go Sung Hee. This is the first drama I have seen her in, though she has had quite a few acting roles in her career. She was a lead role, but didn't get as much air time as some of the other leads. Her role really was to be the love interest and support of Go Yun Woo. However, their relationship did not start off well, and it takes just a bit for them to warm up to each other. We don't get to know a lot of the story behind this character as the writer really focuses more on the main plot of the story. Because of this, however, I found this romance not as satisfying as others. We do learn that she is a paralegal who really had wanted to be an attorney, but was unable to overcome a particular fear to get her there. Go Sung Hee did a fine job, but I found her to not be as good at acting as the others were. Sometimes her acting felt a little forced and not quite as natural. But, it wasn't so distracting that I couldn't enjoy it. 

Yun Woo and Ji Na

Yun Woo and Ji Na's relationship is one that went from hate, to friendship, to love. As I said above, there wasn't a lot of time dedicated to the building of this relationship compared to the time taken by the main plot. Because of this, I wasn't super invested in it. Yes, it was nice to have some romance, but it wasn't quite as satisfying as more romance driven plots. Which, I suppose should be expected. In addition, even though I felt they were often sweet together, I didn't think they had the best chemistry. I almost sensed a bit of awkwardness between them rather than closeness. Maybe that was their intent? But, maybe instead I am judging this a little against the incredible chemistry I had seen between Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, and his sweet chemistry with Nam Ji Hyun in What Happens To My Family. Don't get me wrong, though. Even though it wasn't as good as those it wasn't that I didn't like it at all, and there is something nice about a little office romance. 

Kang Ha Yun, Hong Da Ham and Chae Geun Shik

I thought I would group together and briefly touch on the other three main roles listed. 

Kang Ha Yun, played by Jin Hee Kyung, is the head of Kang & Ham. She is a strong female character, but a very likeable one. She often places her trust in Attorney Choi, but stands up against him as well when the situation calls for it. Overall, she does care for those under her and tries to protect them, even at a cost to herself. The actress did an incredible job. I am familiar with her but almost didn't recognize her by how different her character was from the one she portrayed in I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice.

Hong Da Ham was played by the beautiful actress Chae Jung An. I have not seen her in another drama, but I felt she played this role well and was pushed with a wide array of emotions. She plays the secretary of Choi Kang Seok. They have a long history together, and there definitely seems to be a little bit deeper (maybe love) connection between them. 

Chae Geun Shik was played by Choi Gwi Hwa. What a character this was. He was both extremely annoying and very amusing. I guess he was a villainous type, in a funny way since he usually wasn't as threatening as he felt he was. However, he did frequently put poor Yun Woo on edge. The actor did a great job portraying this interesting personality. I found him quite funny to watch. This character was in constant competition with Choi Kang Seok. But, it was almost a one-sided competition as he generally was ignored by Kang Seok. Except when his competitiveness causes him to make some choices that affect the company. Great acting by Chae Geun Shik!

Special Mention - Cho Gwi Sim/ Cho Sook Hee

Not a main character, and definitely not one that got a lot of screen time. However, I felt her role in this drama invaluable. Cho Gwi Sim who preferred to go by the name of Cho Soo Hee was Yun Woo's grandmother. When Yun Woo's parents died when he was little, she stepped in to fill the role they left behind. During the drama she is unwell in the hospital. The beautiful relationship between these two, and the wisdom she imparts to him as he visits her, was extremely touching to me. Ye Soo Jung is the actress who portrays this character. I have been lucky enough to see her in two other dramas and I really like her as an actress. She does an excellent job and I found the scenes between these two extremely heart warming and natural. I think I may need to add this character to my favorite side characters list.

In conclusion... would I recommend this? Absolutely! This drama kept me on edge, and kept me guessing. The characters were relatable and likeable and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This drama also provided a lot of thought provoking lessons and I came to the end very satisfied. If you like crime and law dramas, this has to be on your list. Even if you don't like them, I suggest you give it a try with this one. I really don't think you would be disappointed. 

Awards Won

Jang Dong Gun - 2018 - Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries (2018 KBS Drama Awards)
Park Hyung Sik - 2018 - Netizen Award (2018 KBS Drama Awards)
Chae Jung An - 2018 - Excellence Award, Actress (11th Korea Drama Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
