I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice 날씨가 좋으면 찾아가겠어요 - Review


Title: I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice 날씨가 좋으면 찾아가겠어요
Genre: Romance, Drama
Release: 2020
Starring (Main Cast):
Seo Kang Joon as Im Eun Seop
Park Min Young as Mok Hae Won
Director: Han Ji Seung
Writer: Han Ga Ram
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.3/10
IMDb Rating: 8/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.3/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

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Episodes: 16 (1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Low, hitting/punching
Sexual Content: Moderate. Adult situations - Passionate kissing, verbal references, bedroom scene (kissing with implications of what came next). No nudity.
Language: Mild (at least in the translation I watched)
Ending: Happy

My Synopsis:

Im Eun Seop and Mok Hae Won are both deeply hurt by the events of their past. After escaping to the city, Hae Won finds herself returning back home when conflicts in the school she is teaching at arise. There she meets Eun Seop, a boy from her school days, who is now a shy bookstore owner in their small countryside village. Their lives begin to intertwine. As their relationship grows, both must learn to face the past. Can Eun Seop put aside his past and allow himself to let Hae Won in? Can Hae Won learn the truth of her past and forgive? 


My Review: 8.5/10

I did give this drama a little lower rating than what is given elsewhere. More a personal preference rating. I would never want to deter someone from watching this. It is a very mellow type of drama. Not anything that is super intense, and it sometimes moves at a slower pace. Not a bad thing, necessarily. 

The relationship between Eun Seop and Hae Won was rather sweet. Eun Seop had feelings for Hae Won back in high school and obviously was still very affected by her reappearance. However, his past holds him back. He is quite shy and introverted and though he constantly is taking care of Hae Won in his quiet gentle way, he keeps his romantic distance. I loved seeing Seo Kang Joon in this type of roll. It was very different from his role in Are You Human Too and really showed his versatility. He filled the role of the shy, introvert so well that I almost found it hard to believe he was the same actor.

Hae Won's character was not as much to my liking as Eun Seop. I felt that she was a little too forward sometimes, and often put Eun Seop in uncomfortable situations. Being a shy introvert myself, I had a hard time not over sympathizing. I do realize however, that her character did need to be more of the extrovert or her and Eun Seop may never have crossed from friendship to romantic relationship. As far as the actress Park Min Young, she is obviously a good actress... I have seen her in other roles, but I felt of all the ones I have seen, this one suited her the least. Just, my personal opinion.

As far as plot... this is really where I docked my rating a little. The first half dwelt more on the relationship between Eun Seop and Hae Won, but then I felt it got left a bit behind in the second half where the story between Hae Won's mom and sister took over. I preferred the side stories that came out of Eun Seop's family to Hae Won's. But, overall I found myself skipping through a lot of the side stories because I felt that they dragged a little too much. But again, I think this is more due to my personal preference since I tend to like things on a little faster pace. 

This story does have a satisfyingly happy ending. And, overall, I would definitely recommend watching it.

안녕! - 줄스
