At a Distance, Spring Is Green 멀리서 보면 푸른 봄 - Review


Title: At a Distance, Spring Is Green 멀리서 보면 푸른 봄
Genre: Romance, Life, School, Youth
Release: 2021
Starring (Main Cast)
Park Ji Hoon as Yeo Joon
Kang Min Ah as Kim So Bin
Bae In Hyuk as Nam Soo Hyun
Director: Kim Jung Hyun
Writer: Ko Yeon Soo/ Jinyoong
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.4/10
IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.4/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with VIKIPASS Standard on Rakuten VikiAt a Distance, Spring Is Green 

Episodes: 12 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: fist fighting, mild blood, domestic abuse
Sexual Content: mild - kissing, hugging
Language: Mild (I don't remember any swearing)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Handsome and the son of a rich family, Yeo Joon seems to have a life that others only dream about. He's popular and well liked, friendly and the campus "ATM".. However, under his smiles and friendly personality is a boy who carries the weight and pain of a horrible family secret. His life isn't all it seems. A freshman in college, he ends up on a project team with a girl he has begun to fall in love with, Kim So Bin, and a boy who is determined to have nothing to do with him, Nam So Hyun. So Hyun, struggling to make ends meet, trying to care for a younger brother and an ailing mother, sees Yeo Joon as someone who could not possibly understand what it is to struggle in life. As situations arise that continuously put them in each other's path the boys begin to develop a very brotherly affection for each other as they realize that suffering is not exclusive to a single social class. It is a beautiful story of three youths, from different backgrounds and struggles who come together and find healing in each other. 


My Review: 10/10

After being successful at slow watching the previous two dramas, I ended up bingeing this one. I couldn't help it. This truly is a beautiful story and my favorite school drama so far. I have not watched many school dramas but they all focused on the normal schooly stuff, like popularity and looks, social status, and bullying. This one was refreshingly different, and much deeper. This drama, started out seeming similar to me, but it quickly gives us a hint that something more is going on. Yeo Joon seems the perfect guy. Handsome, friendly, popular as we first see him surrounded by people and smiling from ear to ear. But, even surrounded by all of this, we find that he is actually very lonely, and the life he leads far from the perfect life those around him believe he has. When he ends up in close contact with two other struggling youth, they learn to find healing in each other. Though there is definitely a love plot here, I think the stronger relationship development is actually between the two boys, Yeo Joon and So Hyun. Yeo Joon has money but needs love, and So Hyun has love but needs money. As they struggle with their differences they find that they are exactly who each other need and an extremely satisfying brotherly affection develops between them. 

Yeo Joon

Yeo Joon is played by Park Ji Hoon, who does an absolutely phenomenal job of portraying this character. He can produce the saddest eyes I have ever seen, so it was easy for me to believe the pain that emanated from them was real. His expressions broke my heart and made this Noona want to reach through the screen, beat up a few people and seriously adopt this poor boy. The character of Yeo Joon is overall very innocent. He works hard to make people like him and in the moment of getting attention, and paying for things so people appreciate him and want to be with him, he gets a brief relief from his loneliness and affectionless life. And, then he goes back home and is alone again. Though he yearns for a real friendship he has a hard time letting anyone get very close. It would mean exposing his pain and the secret his whole family protects. So with a lot of surface friends and a smile on his face, he finds he still lacks what he needs the most. This is not the first time I have seen Park Ji Hoon act. I saw him first in The Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency. Then he also played a deeply wounded young man. I find him to be a very versatile actor. He can be romantic, funny, hurt, happy, angry, yell... fight.. etc. I am pretty sure he can do it all.. I have good feelings about this actor's future career.

Kim So Bin

Kim So Bin was played by the lovely actress, Kang Min Ah, who I have seen twice in previous dramas. One was a guest role in Memorist and the other in a support role in True Beauty. I found her to be a great fit for the shy, insecure role of Kim So Bin. She was the more traditional school sufferer. Having been bullied as a young child for her family situation she hates being the center of attention and prefers to stay quietly in the background. However, the attention she receives from the most popular guy in school makes her anonymity nearly impossible. She must choose between her secure obscure lifestyle or face her anxieties and finally learn to blossom into who she really is. Kang Min Ah did a beautiful job with this character. It was nice to see her in a leading role this time and I am sure she will be doing more of them seeing her success with this one. She was a good match for Park Ji Hoon, which I will elaborate on more later.

Nam Soo Hyun

Nam Soo Hyun was played by Bae In Hyuk. I don't think they could have chosen a better actor for this role. He is a very handsome actor who can pull off that cold, I don't care, I'm worse off than anyone else, look. Lol! Even though he generally had a negative personality and outlook, I couldn't help but really like him. Beneath all that, he did an amazing job portraying a man who was just trying to survive and care for his brother and mother. Despite his circumstances he had a lot pride issues that made it virtually impossible for anyone to help him. And worse for him was the fact that he continuously found himself in debt to the man he envied most... Yeo Joon. However, he was a reliable person and because of this, people often wanted to lean on him. And, if someone was threatened, guaranteed you would find him stepping in, while trying to keep his involvement a secret. Like I said before, I couldn't help but like him, and I felt that Bae In Hyuk portrayed him perfectly. An excellent actor who I look forward to seeing more of!

Yeo Joon and Kim So Bin

The relationship between these two was super sweet. Great, great chemistry and probably one of my favorite couples. Watching some of the behind the scenes, you can see that the actors themselves had a wonderful relationship and really got into their character roles... even to the point that in a scene they did together they both ended up in real tears (which was not supposed to be a part of the drama) and so they had to cut the scene, pull themselves together, and reshoot. 
A lot of the strength these characters develop comes from having each other. And, other than minor blips, it was nice to see a drama that didn't toy with our couple too much but focused it's conflicts mainly elsewhere. The moments between them were so heart-warmingly sweet it would be difficult to pick a favorite moment. A beautiful couple, and amazing chemistry between Park Ji Hoon and Kang Min Ah.

Yeo Joon and Nam Soo Hyun

The relationship between Yeo Joon and Soo Hyun was equally satisfying to me. If not more so at times. I have to admit to loving a good bromance and this one is among my favorites in the Korean Dramas I have watched so far. Yeo Joon clings on to Soo Hyun early in the drama despite Soo Hyun's rude rejection of him. I almost think that the fact Soo Hyun was not swayed into friendship by Yeo Joon's money made the acquisition of his friendship more desirable. Maybe hard to explain, but the friendship earned this way would be much more real than one earned via his money and popularity. And, maybe subconsciously he reminded him of his brother... Whatever the reason, time and time again these two end up connected in one way or another and watching Soo Hyun slowly warm, and even become protective of Yeo Joon warmed my heart. The first time Yeo Joon calls Soo Hyun "Hyung" (brother) my heart nearly burst. Can two guys have some serious non-sexual/romantic chemistry? Yes and yes! Brothers don't always have to share the same blood.


This will easily go on my list of top recommended dramas. It was really a healing drama, and it was heartwarming and beautifully done. It is now one my favorites. Some deep issues were addressed here. If you have ever struggled in life and felt all lone in that, this is for you! Truly! And a good reminder that just because someone looks like they have everything together, doesn't mean they do. Be compassionate and understanding. You don't know how someone may be suffering.


Park Ji Hoon was a part of this drama's OST! Listen below to his song "Talk To Me" below and view some clips from the drama as well:

안녕! - 줄스
