Secret Royal Inspector & Joy 어사와 조이 - Review


Title: Secret Royal Inspector & Joy 어사와 조이
Genre: Historical, Mystery, Romantic Comedy
Release: 2021
Starring (Main Cast)
Ok Taec Yeon as Ra Yi Eon
Kim Hye Yoon as Kim Jo Yi
Director: Yoo Jong Sun
Writer: Lee Jae Yoon
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.3/10
IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
Audience Rating: 4.8/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.8/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with VIKIPass Standard on Rakuten VIKISecret Royal Inspector & Joy 

Episodes: 16 Episodes (1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: Hitting, yelling, sword fighting
Sexual Content: Hugging, kissing
Language: Mild - Minimal language use in the translation I watched
Ending: Happy, Satisfying

My Synopsis

Ra Yi Eon was randomly selected to be the next Secret Royal Inspector following the mysterious disappearance of the last one. Being a high risk job, he planned only to spend his time visiting his assigned region's top eateries and staying safely clear of his political obligations. That is until a series of suspicious deaths have him questioning a connection to the death of his dear friend, the crown prince. One of those suspicious deaths happen to be the closest friend of a local girl name Kim Jo Yi. Joining forces they seek to find answers and justice for those involved. However, when their investigation unveils a larger conspiracy than they expected, will they be strong enough to bring it down?


My Review: 9/10

This was definitely my type of historical drama. It was light-hearted and funny, and yet still had its deep moments as well. Yes, maybe the plot could have been a little tighter woven, or in some places better written, but in the long run, I felt it was a nice easy watch, that kept me glued, but also wasn't overly heavy for me. This was another drama that has been on my radar since it was announced, but I decided to wait until it finished airing because of my fear of an unhappy ending. However, the ending was not only happy but very satisfying to me. If you are one who likes super intense dramas, maybe this will be a little light for you. But, if you want something to just relax with, but still has some mystery, this one should be perfect. Personally, I truly enjoyed it.

Main Characters

Ra Yi Eon

Ok Taec Yeon played the handsome gourmet, Ra Yi Eon. I have been looking forward to this drama mainly for this actor. After seeing him in Vincenzo earlier this year I could hardly wait to see him in something else. In my opinion, his acting in that drama took the win. He had the toughest role, and he played it to perfection. We deemed him the best actor of the drama despite the fact he played opposite another amazing actor, Song Joong Ki. So, needless to say, he didn't disappoint us in this drama either. He slipped into the warm character of Ra Yi Eon as easily as he did the terrifying one of Jang Jun Woo. Truly looking forward to the continued development of this actor's career!

The character of Ra Yi Eon was a very pleasant one. He went into politics to satisfy his grandmother, but his heart was really in food and cooking. However, despite the fact that he really had no desire to wield a sword and be a political figure of any kind, we find that when problems present and those he cares for are at risk, he boldly rises to the challenge. I think that it would be difficult to dislike his character and his strong comforting presence.

Kim Jo Yi

Kim Hye Yoon played the beautiful and strong character of Kim Jo Yi. This is the first time seeing her act and I found her to be an excellent actress. She could be funny and strict, and then cute and warm, but overall was a little bit of a spit fire. And through it all she played each extremely well. Her emotional scenes were very believable and I was extremely happy with her portrayal. I will definitely be looking forward to seeing her act again. 

The character of Kim Jo Yi was a strong one. We can see early on that she is an independent thinker and really struggles to fit her social expectations. As she fights to free herself from a toxic marriage she is faced with a situation that places her alongside the secret royal inspector and in a search for justice. Her character was a good leader, but also a good caretaker and she was always looking out for those around her. I really loved the character of Kim Jo Yi.

Ra Yi Eon and Kim Jo Yi

The chemistry between these two was so good it was palpable. There was some early hiccups that caused them some strife, but it really didn't take long for them to warm up to each other. They really seemed to be a natural fit. Though, they do take awhile to acknowledge their feelings I think the watcher will see evidence of it early on in their concern for each other and the gentle looks. 

I loved seeing this relationship develop. It was a comforting one to watch, and seeing them together, even in the moments spent focused on their mission, you can see their constant awareness of each other. Because of the stress-free nature of this development, I think I enjoyed it more. It just felt right.

Support Characters

There were a lot of amazing support characters in this drama that we wanted to mention. So here were our top favorites.

Yook Chil and Goo Pal

Yook Chil, played by Min Jin Woong, and Goo Pal, played by Park Kang Sub, were the royal inspector's right hand men. They were technically slaves, but the relationship they had with their master was almost more brotherly. They were hilarious sidekicks and brought a lot of fun to the drama. This is my first time seeing either of them, but I found them to be quite entertaining and felt them well cast in their roles.

Ra Kwang Soon and Bi Ryung/Hwang Bo Ri

Ra Kwang Soon, played by Lee Sang Hee and the characters Bi Ryung and Hwang Bo Ri played by Chae Won Bin were the friends and support of Kim Jo Yi. Though not as comical as the inspector's support they did also bring a lot of fun to the drama. Also, they added some seriousness and depth to the drama with their stories as theirs goes much deeper than Yook Chil and Goo Pal's. I really loved the friendship these girls gave Jo Yi.

Park Do Soo and Park Tae Seo

The insane brother Park Do Soo, played by Choi Tae Hwan, and the resourceful brother Park Tae Seo, played by Lee Jae Kyoon were part of our villainous crew. One you will despise entirely, and the other you may find some feelings for. Both played a vital part in the story, and both also had their own story, which I felt added a lot to the drama. I truly appreciate when a writer spends the time to develop the antagonists and gives them a reason behind their behavior. It makes them real. Choi Tae Hwan, was probably stretched the most of the two, but both actors did an excellent job portraying their role.


I think my recommendations for this are pretty simple. If you are a fan of historical comedies I highly recommend. If you like romance... I recommend. If you like none of the above, don't watch. Being a fan of all three, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I found it a nice easy watch. It was comfortable yet still fed my love of action. A well done drama in my opinion.

안녕! - 줄스
