Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung 신입사관 구해령 - Review


Title: Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung 신입사관 구해령
Genre: Historical, Romantic Comedy, Political
Release: 2019
Starring (Main Cast)
Shin Se Kyung as Goo Hae Ryung/Hui Yeon
Cha Eun Woo as Prince Yi Rim/Maehwa/Prince Do Won
Lee Ji Hoon as Officer Min Woo Won
Park Ki Woong as Crown Prince Yi Jin
Director: Kang Il Soo, Han Hyun Hee
Writer: Kim Ho Soo
IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
Audience Rating: 4.8/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.3/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Watch with subscription on Netflix: Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung 

Episodes: 20 (about an hour and 5 min each)
Content Rating: TV-14
Violence: Mild to moderate - some fight scenes, hitting, stabbing, shooting with arrow. Low blood visuals.
Sexual Content: Mild - kissing, hugging, mild references
Language: Mild (the translation I watched had no swearing)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

For the first time in history, women are being allowed to hold office in Joseon. Having been granted the ability to take the state exams, Goo Hae Ryung passes and is chosen among the first female historians ever to enter the palace. However, not everyone accepts this change in social norms and she and the others must work to prove their right to be there. Not long after arriving she realizes that a man she had met outside the palaces happens to be Prince Do Won. Hidden away in Nokseodang, a remote part of the palace, his life holds a secret that even he doesn't know. Together they will start to unravel a dark history that ties them both together.


My Review: 9/10

The story of the Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung revolves around exactly who the title indicates. Goo Hae Ryung is one of four women who step out of social norms into a government position in the palace. It isn't an easy thing to do, paving a road in a time where there were strict rules on one's place in the world. However, there is more to the plot than just that. An event that occurred 20 years prior still holds a lot of mystery in people's minds and a past that seemed completely hidden starts coming to light. One thing I love about Korean dramas is how complicated and connected everything is. How each life is connected to the other. I don't feel they waste characters, but put them all to use in some way. Also, there are always words of wisdom, and lessons to learn that never feel forced. This drama was no different, and I really did enjoy this drama. There were a few things that I wasn't super fond of but for the most part, I really liked it. And, as I have thought back over it the past few days it has grown on me even more. 

Goo Hae Ryung/ Hui Yeon

Goo Hae Ryung is played by Shin Se Kyung. This is the first drama I have had the opportunity to see her in. As an actress, I felt she did an amazing job at portraying the stubborn, independence of Goo Hae Ryung. She had to pull off a wide variety of emotions and I felt them all believable. That said, I did have a slight problem with the written character of Hae Ryung. Though I found her character believable, I didn't always find her relatable. This may very well be a personal issue I have. Her character at times seemed almost too ridged one moment and very lax the next... and sometimes I questioned if I liked her all that much. One moment she would say that she would break the law to save someone (people are most important), and the next cut someone through with her words. She had no problem speaking her mind, that's for sure. My biggest problem came with the relationship between her and the prince which I should probably save to go over in the "chemistry" section. Now, don't get me wrong... most of the time I liked her. Just that there were moments when I didn't. 

Prince Yi Rim/Maehwa/Prince Do Won

The Prince was played by the popular actor Cha Eun Woo. I have seen him also in True Beauty, My ID is Gangnam Beauty and My Romantic Some Recipe, but I think this is by far my favorite role he has played. I believe I have mentioned before that the roles I have seen him in were all virtually the same, giving him a very calm mentorship kind of role that really left him unchallenged in the acting department. Here however, I felt he was given that challenge and I was so very happy to see him rise to it believably well. I am delighted to see that he can get angry and yell, cry and get jealous, be sick and act naïve, etc, etc.... But, best of all, I found out that he is hilarious! I had no clue how good of a comedian he was! Yes, he has been funny before, but he had me outright laughing in this one. His scenes were ALWAYS entertaining. Especially those between him and his comedic counterpart, Eunuch Heo Sam Bo. The character of the Prince was also one of my favorites in the drama. Locked away from the world, he had always longed to be set free. So he lived vicariously through the lives of others in his writing and research. He is compassionate, and determined, naïve in ways and yet far ahead in others, he is a hopeless romantic, and fearless when it comes to protecting those he cares about. Excellent acting and and excellent character writing!

Crown Prince Yi Jin

Crown Prince Yi Jin was played by Park Ki Woong, who did a fabulous job with this character. Normally in these historical dramas I long for the main lead to take over the King/Prince role and rule as one should, but in this case, I had no desire to see the Crown Prince replaced. Despite the horrible selfishness of his father, he turned out really well. He loved his brother, Prince Do Won more than almost anything, except for the people of Joseon. It often put him in bad standing with his father, but he was not intimidated by him and often made executive orders as the acting regent that benefited the people, yet often hurt the higher-ups. He showed great strength from the first moment he appeared on screen and I was so afraid that something would happen to destroy my image of him. Excellent acting and another great character!

Officer Min Woo Won

Officer Min Woo Won was played by Lee Ji Hoon. He is another face that is new to me in dramas. However, I thought he was very well cast. He played the son of the Second State Councilor (the villain of the story) and was one of the heads of the historians. He is another man who turned out well regardless of the corruption of his father. And in a way, his turning out well may have been due to his father's evilness, since it cost him dearly. He strictly adhered to rules and was sometimes criticized by Hae Ryung for putting rules above people, but you see the depths of his integrity as the story proceeds and for sure you will have a soft spot for his character. Though, he was mostly serious, he did have a few moments that were quite funny. Lee Ji Hoon did an excellent job and I hope to have the opportunity to see him act again.

Heo Sam Bo

Though not credited as a main character I felt he should have been since he played such a large role and was really the prince's sidekick. Heo Sam Bo was played by Sung Ji Ru. This is the second drama I have had the pleasure to see him in. The first was Dr. Frost where he played a very different role. Here, he was mainly the comic relief. Very few serious moments with him. It looked like the actor had a great time with this and I really enjoyed it, so I felt he deserved a mention.

Prince Do Won and Goo Hae Ryung

There was definitely some sparks between these two. Especially from Prince Do Won's side, which suited the character he was playing. He had loved Hae Ryung from early on, but was in a little bit of denial. However, once he voiced it to himself, he was all in and there was no turning back for him. Hae Ryung, also shared feelings early I believe, but there were times I questioned how much she really loved him. Surely, not as much as he loved her! It seemed she could turn her feelings on and off at times. And, there were times her words cut him so deep, I wasn't sure how he could still hang on. But, he did. This was my main problem with this relationship... SPOILER ahead maybe? Hae Ryung enjoys their budding relationship but when marriage comes up, she basically tells him she never wants to be tied to a prince. Ouch. And, of course there are more hurtful things she says to him. I give him props for sticking it through!

Regardless, there are some very sweet moments with these two, and they do get a happy ending. So, I will have to get over Hae Ryung's shortcomings. Lol! She seems to get over most of hers towards the end. Here is just a small taste kiss below, but if you are hoping for a real kiss... you can rest assured that you will get one. 💕


I would definitely recommend this drama for anyone who enjoys Korea's historical works. I found it enjoyable and very entertaining. Plenty of conflict and mystery, but satisfyingly woven in with romance and comedy and lessons to be learned. Definitely a win!


Cha Eun Woo sings the song Please Remember on the soundtrack for this drama! Enjoy!

Awards Won

Shin Se Kyung - 2019 - Top Excellence Award, Actress in a Wednesday-Thursday Drama (MBC Drama Awards)
Cha Eun Woo - 2019 - Excellence Award, Actor in a Wednesday-Thursday Drama (MBC Drama Awards)
Lee Ji Hoon - 2019 - Best Supporting Cast in a Wednesday-Thursday Drama (MBC Drama Awards)
Cha Eun Woo and Shin Se Kyung - 2019 - Best Couple Ward (MBC Drama Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
