A Poem a Day 시를 잊은 그대에게 - Review


Title: A Poem a Dayl 시를 잊은 그대에게
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Life, Medical
Release: 2018
Starring (Main Cast)
Lee Joon Hyuk as Ye Je Wook
Lee Yoo Bi as Woo Bo Young
Jang Dong Yoon as Shin Min Ho
Director: Han Sang Jae
Writer: Baek Sun Woo, Myung Soo Hyun, Choi Bo Rim

IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
Audience Rating: 4.3/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.9/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Watch on AsianWiki/Dramacool - with caution as it may have virus or malware attached. As well as some inappropriate ads.

Episodes: 16 (abt. 1 hour and 5 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Low
Sexual Content: Low - kissing and hugging
Language: Low - none to mild depending on who subtitles it.
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Woo "Cry Baby" Bo Young is the best physical therapist in her department. Unfortunately, because she is only a contractor her time is almost up. When a final round of students come through for training she finds that one of them is Shin Min Ho, a boy who had rejected her in college, and she is doomed to spend the rest of her time with a crush turned enemy. However, he isn't the only one new to the department. Dr. Ye Je Wook, a famous sling therapist has also been recently employed. A bit socially awkward and cold, he takes note of Bo Young's kindness and ability in physical therapy and unwittingly begins to look out for her. As their relationship begins to develop Min Ho starts to realize his own feelings are growing for Bo Young as well. As both men vie for her attention and affection, who will win her heart in the end?


My Review: 9/10

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with this drama. It really hasn't garnered a lot of attention and the ratings weren't super high so I wasn't sure what to expect. To be honestly, this one was on my watchlist mostly for the fact that, after seeing Are You Human Too? a while back, I have been interested in seeing something else by Lee Joon Hyuk. Being that this was a medical drama, something that interests me anyway, I chose this one. If you are looking for something high intensity, this isn't the drama you want. It really is a story about the lives of those that work in the physical therapy department in a hospital. It has its ups and downs but it really is a nice easy watch without too much stress. In fact, it had a lot of funny moments that kept me laughing throughout. I found it very pleasant and comfortable to watch and I genuinely liked the characters, even those that were a bit harder to like... there was something that draws you to them in the end. I definitely would recommend watching this if you are looking for something to relax with. Maybe you need something more mellow after a edge-of-your-seat drama?

Woo Bo Young

Woo Bo Young is played by the actress Lee Yoo Bi. This is the first drama I have seen her in. I thought she did a great job in this role. The story mainly focuses around her character. A physical therapy doctor, she holds a contractor role at the hospital. She wants more than anything to be hired on full time, but the hospital only has limited positions and her time is running out. Her character has a lot of sympathy/empathy for others. Because of this she cries often (earning her the nickname "cry baby"), and she is extremely good to the patients that come under her care. Because of her nature, she is often taken advantage of, and you learn quite early that because of this her workload is nearly double those of her peers. But, she doesn't complain and she is a hard-worker. It is this that earns her the attention of the new Dr. Ye. 

As per the title, the drama does give us a poem or two every episode. Bo Young, happens to love poetry, to the extent that she had dreamed of being a poet, but life circumstances did not allow that for her. She shares her love of poetry with anyone she can, however, and finds that the stiff Dr. Ye also enjoys them as well. She is a great character, and I felt that they did a good job of giving her the tendency to do good and not make waves, yet still making her character strong. I feel that is difficult to do with her personality type.

Ye Je Wook

Dr. Ye Je Wook was played by Lee Joon Hyuk. As I mentioned before, he is really the reason that this one ended up on my watch list. I loved his character in Are You Human Too? and really wanted to see more of his acting. I wasn't disappointed. He did an amazing job with this character. Dr. Ye Je Wook is the best sling therapy doctor in Korea and is famous for his work.  His character is very mild-mannered. Actually, maybe socially awkward would be an even better way to describe him. Being and introvert and socially awkward myself, I really appreciate characters like him. We have plenty of the outgoing, cool leads... I love having someone I can relate to. He is a man very focused on his work and really has no interest in developing friendships within the workplace. Part of this is because of a past history relationship. He constantly gives advice, whether it is wanted or not. Despite his disinterest in his co-workers there is one girl that he finds himself noticing a lot. I will go into that more in the couple chemistry section. Excellent acting by Lee Joon Hyuk and I really hope to see even more of his work in the future.

Shin Min Ho

Shin Min Ho is played by Jang Dong Yoon. He was another actor I was looking forward to seeing again after watching him do an amazing job in the drama The Tale of Nokdu. His character here was a bit less likeable. I admit that I had the urge to reach through the screen and deck him a few times. But, he definitely had his good moments, too. He was the first love interest of Bo Young. I will go into that story more in the couple chemistry section. He is sent to Bo Young's hospital for training during college, much to both of their dismay, and he spends a good portion of the time there terrorizing her. However, their hate/friend relationship does add quite a bit of humor as well as conflict and I thought it was a fun add in. Normally, I am not a fan of love triangles, but this one didn't bother me so much. As usual, Jang Dong Yoon does a fine job portraying his character. He is good at all emotions. I felt with the first drama I saw him in I was already made well aware of his acting ability, so I knew he would not disappoint me here either.

Woo Bo Young and Ye Je Wook - Couple Chemistry

I found the chemistry between these two rather cute. I liked that Ye Je Wook's feelings started developing early, yet he seemed to not really recognize exactly what he was feeling. At one point he contributes it to just his admiration of Bo Young's kindness and care for her patients. But, he frequently stands up for her and protects her to the extent that people start to notice. Bo Young is a little more obvious about her feelings and doesn't seem to mind sharing them with others. It does put her in a little bit of a pickle.

Though at times I thought their characters a bit too different for a relationship, it somehow worked. Bo Young, could be so young acting at times... even childish, and Dr. Ye was always so mature and serious. It was an interesting match. But, like I said, their times together as friends and more were very sweet. Something about Lee Joon Hyuk... he just looks/seems like someone who would watch out for others. I don't know why. But, he suits that role as he provides that protection for Bo Young.

Woo Bo Young and Shin Min Ho - Couple Chemistry

I thought it only fair that the second pairing of the triangle should have its own section. Shin Min Ho was Bo Young's first love from college. After the good friendship and his actions that led her to believe there was more, she confessed and in return he gave her a very brutal rejection. So, when they are forced to meet up once again at the hospital where she is contracted to work, you can imagine how awkward and uncomfortable it is for both of them. Min Ho, right off is a jerk to her, not wanting her to get any ideas about liking him again. Yet, when she moves on and starts liking someone else, well, he discovers he doesn't like that so much.

Their friendship does grow throughout this as well, but has some serious highs and lows. It does seem to make them closer in the end. Chemistry-wise... yeah, they have some chemistry as well. Jang Dong Yoon definitely pulls of the love-sick puppy look well. Lol! However, I can honestly say that I did not have second lead syndrome with these two. I think Lee Yoo Bi's chemsitry with Lee Joon Hyuk was definitely better. Good thing, for us watchers! 

Just to re-state... I enjoyed this drama a lot. Maybe some people would feel it slow as it is more of a life drama. Not so much action and suspense. But, if you are looking for an easy relaxing watch, I would definitely recommend this one. I loved it. There were so many stories and characters that I didn't put in here. But, you really do get attached to them. They hilariously funny at times, and they make you want to cry at times. But, it is a heart-warming drama overall and I enjoyed watching everyone grow. Highly recommend!

안녕! - 줄스
