Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 화랑 - Review


Title: Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 화랑
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Historical, Political, Costume & Period, Action, Friendship, Youth
Release: 2016
Starring (Main Cast)
Park Seo Joon as Moo Myung/ Kim Sun Woo
Park Hyung Sik as Sam Mae Jong/ Kim Ji Dwi
Go Ah Ra as Ah Ro
Director: Yoon Sung Shik, Kim Young Jo
Writer: Park Eun Young
Rakuten Viki Rating9.6/10
IMDb Rating: 8/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch free (with ads) on Kocowa: Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 

Episodes: 20 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Hitting/punching, yelling, sword fighting
Sexual Content: kissing, hugging, verbal references... mild but has some borderline exotic story telling near the beginning.
Language: Mild (depending on translation - Kocowa is cleaner than Rakuten Viki)
Ending: Happy, satisfying


My Synopsis

King Jinheung (Park Hyung Sik), sent away into hiding as a child by his mother, has now turned 18. Rightfully he belongs on the throne, but his mother is not ready to give it up. Fighting to keep her son faceless to the people she orders that those who see his face be killed. It is an order that costs a life that sets a peasant-raised man, Sun Woo (Park Seo Joon), on a path of revenge against the faceless king. In secret King Jinheung (aka Ji Dwi) joins the Queen's new warriors, the Hwarang, unknowingly alongside Sun Woo who becomes his closest friend. He must find a way to strengthen himself on his own and take back what rightfully belongs to him. The Hwarang do more than just give him strength, however. He finds friendship and hardship, and learns what it takes to be a good king. Can King Jinheung save his friendship with Sun Woo once his identity is revealed? And, will a long hidden history destroy his chance for the throne?

My Review: 10/10

I felt it hard to summarize this one properly. The main, main character is probably Sun Woo/Dog Bird but the true story really is about King Jinheung and his journey to overcome a divided kingdom, a weak family, and a lifetime of being hidden away. However, there is sooo much that is going on in this story that I could not possibly cover it in one synopsis. At least not effectively. To be honest, I didn't like this drama at the start. I almost quit watching it after episode 2. I wasn't really sure I liked any of the characters. I couldn't quite figure out the king... his sleeplessness and the awkwardness he gave our main girl character. The main girl, Aro, I didn't care for either as she drank and told racy stories in the local courtesan house. And then there was Dog Bird, who seemed to be the best out of them, but still... I wasn't sure as he was hot-headed and reckless. And, the character I liked most at the time, died. So... Lol! However, I had heard so many good things that I pressed on and am so thankful that I did. 

Episode 3 started to peak my interest and from there on it got better and better for me until I felt so invested in each of these characters lives that I couldn't help but love them all. Even the difficult ones had backstories that gave their actions meaning. In the end, it turned out to be one of my favorite stories. Truly, the take away from this is probably friendship... brotherhood, maturity, and learning to think for yourself. Here we have a group of men, brought together in an attempt to control the divided political leadership of Silla. Hating each other, and living under their parents politics, they learn how to take care of themselves, and learn to think for themselves. They go from enemies to brothers who stand together and decide the future of Silla.
Though this drama has its serious moments, it definitely has its many funny moments, too. Truly it is a romantic comedy and you will find yourself laughing a lot. I have mentioned in the past that this type of drama is my favorite. One that has a varied amount of emotions, but doesn't keep things serious all the time. I like intense, and emotional scenes, but I like them broken up with lighthearted laughter as well. This drama fulfilled that for me, fully.

Since this story really does revolve around the faceless king, King Jinheung (a real historical figure), and his rise to the throne, I felt it best to start with his character. He is played by the popular actor Park Hyung Sik. This actor has become one of my all time favorites as I feel he is extremely versatile. He can be funny, romantic, angry, fight, cry... really, I just find him a pleasure to watch. This was the second drama I had seen him in. First was Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I loved his character in that drama and gave him a mental note of interest. However, after seeing him in this my interest peaked and I actually started to check out which of his works I could see next. His character was my favorite out of the three main characters. King Jinheung, might not have been as strong as Sun Woo/Dog Bird, but he was much more level-headed, and he had a deep love and compassion for his people. I found his struggle to overcome the political system, his desire for strength and his willingness to be a king "that suffered so his people didn't have to" really pulled at my heart strings and I wanted more than anything for him to succeed. The role was played beautifully, and King Jinheung/ Ji Dwi will remain one of my favorite historical drama characters.
Park Seo Joon plays the character Dog Bird/Sun Woo. He is probably one of the most popular actors in Korean dramas today. His role would probably be considered the lead main role and he is the love interest of our leading lady. Park Seo Joon, is truly a great actor. No doubt. He also has a very commanding presence to him naturally that I think was a perfect fit for this particular character.  Both him and Park Hyung Sik both have a kingly air about them, but in different ways... where Park Seo Joon gives off the brute/strong warrior king vibe, Park Hyung Sik gives me the more elf warrior king vibe. Not sure if that make sense. Anyway, Sun Woo (who got his name from his friend who dies early on) is taken in and becomes the brother of Aro, the leading lady. He is the most affected by the king in so may different ways. Revenge, friendship, near-death experiences... But, he carries it all like none other could and it is no wonder that those around him naturally want to follow him and let him lead. Even the king falls naturally into line behind him. 

The relationship between Sun Woo and Ji Dwi/King Jinheung is probably my favorite aspect of this drama. Both characters are drawn to each other and naturally feel a kinship/friendship as time after time they end up pairing off with each other. Yet, there are so many aspects of their lives that also make that friendship very difficult and they find themselves torn by what makes them enemies and their very real like of each other despite it.

The 3rd main character is Aro, played by Go Ah Ra. She is the love interest of both of our main men, though her thoughts are very singularly bent towards Sun Woo. She is quite the unique character. My first impression of her was not good. She drank, got drunk, and told racy stories. But, after the first couple episodes that aspect of her dropped off and she instead focused more on doing what her father did, which was doctoring. She spends a good portion of the drama bandaging wounds and doing acupuncture. Go Ah Ra, really was a good choice for the role. I think the character suited her well. Especially, with her amazing talent for facial expression. I think she is probably one of the most visually expressive actresses I know of and I so enjoy watching her act. Her character suffers a lot because of the two main men and her importance to them. She often times is the leverage against them.

The relationship between Aro and Sun Woo is very sweet. Starting out very brother and sisterly they both find it hard to fight their growing attraction. I thought they had a sweet chemistry and even though I felt bad for the king, I really did like the match of the two of them. 

There are so many great characters in this that I feel I have to do a slight introduction of some of my favorites. Though, this is going to make this long post even longer than it already is. Hang in there! I will try and group them as I can.

Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon

These two may have been the sweetest couple in the drama. Yes, I loved the main characters, but these two were just so adorably cute whenever they were together I couldn't help but love them. They deserved their own drama! Ban Ryu, played by Do Ji Han, was a character that struggled a lot during the series. He was often torn between his heart and his desire for his fathers' acceptance. He was probably the most unhappy of the main characters, except for when it came to Soo Yeon. Truly, in the end it was her who saved him and gave him the courage to follow his true self. Soo Yeon, played by Lee Da In, was the best friend of our leading lady. A comical situation puts her in the path of Ban Ryu and it doesn't take long for their affections to grow. I looked forward to every moment these two were together.

The Queen and Soo Ho

The Queen Mother Ji So, of course, is the cold mother of King Jinheung (Ji Dwi). I had a hard time figuring her out during the duration of the drama, though I will say that I did not think very kindly of her. She was played by Kim Jee Soo, who did a fabulous job portraying her. Soo Ho was played by K-Pop artist Choi Min Ho. He was mostly a genuinely happy and loyal character (willingly putting himself in danger for his loyalties) that smiled easily and loved to have fun. He did however, have a strange attraction to the queen. He was always in awe of her. He was the best swordsman among the Hwarang and he was a fun character that you couldn't help but love.

Han Sung and Yeo Wool

These two ended up pairing off as good friends and you will often see them together. Han Sung, played by BTS's V, is the heir to his family's fortune. He has an older half-brother whom he adores and looks up to. He really doesn't like fighting and often wishes his brother and him had switched places. He was the sweet innocent child of the Hwarang and he is liked by everyone. His hero is Sun Woo (Dog Bird) and he does a cute job of idolizing him during the Drama. Yeo Wool, played by Jo Yoon Woo, is the fancy boy of the Hwarang... he cares a lot about his looks and enjoys watching a good fight rather than partaking in one. You will often see him watching joyfully from the sidelines. He is also kind and joking and will step in at times to make peace. 

Pa Oh and Dan Se

Pa Oh, played by Yoo Jae Myung, is the King's long time bodyguard who truly has a deep (fatherly) affection for him. He finds it difficult to protect the king once he joins the Hwarang and so, to get close, passes himself off as a 22-year-old and gets in as one of the apprentices. He ends up developing a comradeship with Dan Se, the older brother of Han Sung. He provides some great comedy, and touches your heart with his loyalty, as well. Dan Se, the half brother of Han Sung played by Kim Hyun Joon, plays a huge role in the drama despite his not being a prominent role. He cares a lot for his younger brother, even though he takes the punishments for him being only half noble. Despite his hard exterior, I really liked his character.

Park Yeong Shil and Hwa Kong

Park Yeong Shil is one of our main villians and one of the fathers of Ban Ryu. He is played by Kim Chang Wan who did an incredible job building his character and making him deliciously detestable. Hwa Kong, played by Sung Dong Il, is the leader of the Hwarang. He has some comical run ins with Yeong Shil... and truthfully with most everyone. He is one of my favorite characters as he is hilarious but also makes for a great mentor figure. Honestly, Sung Dong Il is also one of my favorite actors. He really became that through the first drama I saw him in, Miss Hammurabi, where he also played a mentorship role. He just has a pleasant kind look and I just can't help but feel he would be fun person to know in real life.

Princess Sook Myung

Princess Sook Myung will the last character I mention. She was played by Seo Ye Ji. A very beautiful character with a rather harsh personality. I didn't really like her at first... at all. But, she does have some redeeming qualities that show later. I wanted to mention her because she plays a big part in the drama as well since she adds some additional conflict and provides us with a love square, if you will. Lol! 

To finally sum it up, you can probably tell this is one of my favorite dramas. It made me laugh and cry and I was sad when it was over because there were so many people I came to love. 

My only negative complaint, barring the first two episodes, was the excessive flashbacks. I understand the intent was to show what the characters were thinking about, but I do wonder how many episodes the flashbacks amounted to. Lol! 

Regardless, I highly recommend this drama. It was so much fun to watch and I have since watched it a second time and think I may have enjoyed it more watching it again. I don't think you will regret the time spent. If you are reading this, thanks for sticking through this review to the end! :D

Awards Won:

Choi Won Young - Best Supporting Actor (31st KBS Drama Awards)
Park Seo Joon - Neitzen Award (31st KBS Drama Awards)
V (BTS) - Best Idol Actor (14th Annual Soompi Awards)


Bonus time! Both our leading men did OST songs for this drama as well as V (and Jin) from BTS. Enjoy!

안녕! - 줄스
