My Sassy Girl 엽기적인 그녀 - Review


Title: My Sassy Girl 엽기적인 그녀
Genre: Historical, Romantic Comedy, Costume & Period Drama
Release: 2017
Starring (Main Cast)
Joo Won as Gyun Woo
Oh Yeon Seo as Princess Hye Myung
Lee Jung Shin as Lieutenant Kang Joon Yeong
Kim Yoon Hye as Jung Da Yeon
Director: Oh Jin Suk
Writer: Yoon Hyo Je
Rakuten Viki Rating9.1/10
IMDb Rating: 6.9/10
Audience Rating: 4.7/5
MyDramaList Rating: 7.7/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

Watch Free on Rakuten Viki: My Sassy Girl 

Episodes: 32 (abt. 1/2 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Sword fighting, hitting, martial arts, blood
Sexual Content: kissing, hugging, verbal references
Language: Mild
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Gyun Woo (Joo Won), a celebrated genius scholar, returns to Joseon after studying abroad in China only to find himself thrown into a sticky situation, and a huge misunderstanding, with the country's unorthodox princess (Oh Yeon Seo). Their extreme dislike of each other is quite mutual.  However, fate would seem they were meant to be. Trouble-prone and with a mounting threat to her position in the palace, Princess Hye Myung finds herself frequently under the growing protection of Gyun Woo. Dislike begins to change to friendship and then love, but a forgotten secret and a past that is intertwined may destroy everything they have built between them. Can Gyun Woo save the princess and their love?


My Review: 9/10

Overall I found this drama rather cute. It was a different take on a historical drama. My first introduction to the princesses was rather shocking as she was not just sassy but rather quite unorthodox and one would never guess she was trained for the palace. I think it was just as shocking to our main male character, a highly educated scholar, whose noble behavior causes him to step in and save the girl only to be severely misunderstood. It is a hate to love type story and very sweetly done. 

Joo Won is a top notch actor. I have, since this, also seen him in the Good Doctor. He is one of my favorites and does an excellent job in a variety of roles and emotions. He can be funny and serious and he is just a plain good actor. Truly, the caring emotional expressions he brings into his acting are the best... pain... love... he portrays those especially well. I look forward to seeing more of his works and already have added a few to my watch list.

Oh Yeon Seo has probably one of the most dynamic roles in this drama. She goes from being sassy, yelling, drunk to proper, and heartfelt crying. Her character goes through a lot with the majority of her struggles focusing around the loss of her mother. I found myself frustrated with her at times and yet sympathetic. She pulls off her role well and I truly enjoyed watching her act. I have yet to see her in another film, but I do hope to again as she is a great actress.
As far as the relationship between the princess and scholar... I found that these two definitely had a sweet chemistry. Their love grows naturally and the affection seems very genuine. Again, Joo Won has a knack for kind heart-warming glances and I can't help but think that Yeon Seo had to feel the warmth of them to her toes. 

Another actor notable of mention was Lee Jung Shin who played the Lieutenant Kang Joon Yeong. He also had a special place in his heart for the princess who had always looked kindly on him. He saves her life and protects her but knows his place and doesn't get in the way. I sort of felt sorry for him since there really was no way he could act on his love. But, I guess in a way he does in the form of just making sure she is safe. I really liked his character and the actor who played the role did an amazing job.

To wrap up... This drama has a lower rating than most of the ones I have watched, but I don't think that should stop anyone from watching. I felt it was well done and I truly enjoyed the comedy and the serious side to this drama. I really do like a good mix. I like to be kept on my toes and guessing, but I love when it is broken up by funny and warm moments and so this drama suited me well. I definitely recommend it!


As a bonus, Joo Won sings the song "I Believe" on the drama's OST. :)

안녕! - 줄스
