Doppelgangers in Drama 도플 갱어

 Doppelgangers in Drama 도플 갱어


I thought this would be a fun post to make. And, would love to hear your thoughts! 

So, the more dramas I watch, the more I pick up on some noticeable similarities between some drama celebrities. I have put together a few... some you might see as debatable, but for me, there is something about them that reminds me of the person I have paired them with. What are your thoughts?

This will be a work in process. I will add to it as I find more resemblances. :)

Kim So Hyun and Song Kang

I am starting off with a couple that, to me, strangely look like each other. I have not yet watched the drama they are starring in, "Love Alarm." But, a clip came through my feed and as I watched it, I was distracted while they flipped back and forth between the two. I felt as if I was watching a brother and sister they looked so much alike. They are the inspiration behind this post. So, they are naturally first. What do you think? Am I a little crazy for thinking these two resemble each other?

Kim So Hyun and Go Ara

I recently started watching a drama with Go Ara and I have to admit, for a moment I thought that she was Kim So Hyun. I feel this is probably one of the closest look alikes since even their smiles look alike to me. What do you think?

Jang Dong Yoon and Do Kyung Soo

Okay, so this is only a mild resemblance. Their smiles are very different, and for the most part they are very different, but occasionally one will remind me of the other. I first noticed this when I clicked on a thumbnail of Jang Dong Yoon thinking it was Do Kyung Soo. It took me a moment to realize that they weren't the same person. Can you see the resemblance, or is it just me?

Kim Min Jae and Yeo Jin Goo

These two had me confused when I first started watching K-dramas. And, as I was looking up photos for this I found I was not the only one. They have very different jawlines, but I think if that were not the case, they would be pretty close to the spitting image of each other. The smile especially, I think. There is something about their smiles that seems very similar. Wouldn't you agree?

Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki

I am pretty sure I am the first to think these two look alike. Right? Not when they smile of course, but when they are not smiling, I think they bear a striking resemblance. I think a lot of it is in the shape of their mouth and nose. You can see it really well here in these pictures. I'm crazy right? Lol!

Kim Ji Soo and Lee Jung Shin

I had seen Kim Ji Soo first in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. And, now currently (at the time I am putting this in) I am watching My Sassy Girl with Lee Jung Shin. When Lee Jung Shin first appeared on the screen I thought it was Kim Ji Soo... it was a short mis-identification, but it was long enough for me to realize there was a resemblance and I thought I would just add them in here.

With all the recent controversy surrounding Kim Ji Soo, I hope most that some healing can come out of it. I am glad he owned up to his mistakes instead of denying them. And, I hope because of that and his repentance (which I hope is genuine) there can be healing for the victim(s) and forgiveness and growth for him. May they all come out stronger and better people because of this!

From your own watching... who have you thought looks alike?

I plan to update this as I continue bingeing dramas! :)

안녕! - 줄스
