Catch the Ghost 유령을 잡아라 - Review


Title: Catch the Ghost 유령을 잡아라
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Romantic Comedy
Release: 2019
Starring (Main Cast)
Moon Geun Young as Yoo Ryung/Yoo Jin
Kim Seon Ho as Go Ji Suk
Jung Eugene as Ha Ma Ri
Ki Do Hoon as Kim Woo Hyuk
Director: Shin Yoon Sub
Writer: So Won, Lee Young Joo

IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
Audience Rating: 4.8/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.1/10

MyDramaList Synopsis: Click Here

Episodes: 16 Episodes (abt. 1 hr and 5 min each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence/blood: Use of physical force, fist fighting, kidnapping, strangling, blood, physical abuse, guns
Sexual Content: Hugging, kissing
Language: Moderate - there is some swearing in this
Ending: Happy, Satisfying

My Synopsis

Yoo Ryung (Moon Geun Young) is a woman on a mission. After the disappearance of her autistic sister and the constant disregard by police, she is determined to catch the perpetrator on her own. Her search begins with the city's subway where a string of serious crimes has the criminal justice system on high alert. However, the consistent failures to catch those responsible have caused people to lose trust in the police. Go Ji Suk (Kim Seon Ho), a chief inspector, left his high action job with the violent crimes division of the subway for the more stable hours of the ground-level subway police to be a support to his ailing mother. But, with the rise in crime and his recent pairing with Yoo Ryung, he finds his life once again in chaotic upheaval. Can he catch the criminals and rein in the reckless Yoo Ryung before she ruins his career?


My Review: 9/10

This drama was very enjoyable to watch. The story was entertaining and the mystery fun to unravel. I felt the actors all did an amazing job, most of whom I was unfamiliar with, but was glad to be introduced to. I think if you like action and comedy this will be right up your ally. It is a story that will keep you on your toes.

Though the story is driven by the string of crimes in the subway system, the story mainly revolves around the disappearance of Yoo Jin, the twin sister of Yoo Ryung. Having lost her sister some time back, she has been in constant pursuit of her sister's kidnapper, and possible murderer. Her situation constantly disregarded by the police, she decides to take matters into her own hands. This unfortunately ends up involving and causing problems for a chief inspector in the subway division, Go Ji Suk, who had determined to live a quieter life for the sake of his dementia stricken mother. Put in a position that threatens his stability, he finds himself being drawn back into the exciting life he used to love. Can he find a way to support his reckless partner and keep his own personal life together? Or will Yoo Ryung's hyperfixation on her goals cost him everything he has worked so hard to build up.

This is definitely the type of story I love. Lots of action, suspense, mystery, and some good comedy mixed in. Have you watched it? What did you think?

Main Characters

Yoo Ryung/Yoo Jin

Our reckless main lead was played by the spunky Moon Geun Young. This was my first time seeing her act and I found her to be quite entertaining. The personality she portrayed in her character fit so naturally on her that I couldn't help but wonder if she was actually playing herself. Also, to her credit, was the incredible portrayal of Yoo Jin, the autistic twin of Yoo Ryung. It was hard to believe the same actress played them both. She was definitely stretched as an actress with this drama and I felt she met that challenge head on. An excellent actress who I would love to see again.

The character of Yoo Ryung was quite fearless, to the point of recklessness. Though she didn't always think before she acted, her actions were always for the sake of the victims, and they all benefited by her disregard of protocol. However, the one person who didn't benefit was her superior and he paid the price for her actions throughout the drama. Though this was not an intended effect, her drive to answer the questions regarding her sister and her extreme sense of justice tended to make him her sacrificial lamb for the cause. Despite this, it was easy to be drawn in by her spunky personality and extreme passion, even for the one who suffered the most because of it.

Go Ji Suk

Kim Seon Ho played the handsome, level-headed chief inspector, Go Ji Suk. It is no secret how much I love this actor. No matter which way his character leads him he successfully pulls it off. This drama particularly excited me because it gave me a glimpse into the more action side of his acting. Overall, this drama gave him a very wide range of emotions and expectations that I enjoyed seeing him fulfill. From compassionate, emotional son, to comedic acting, and on to some rage driven revenge as he kicks the snot out of a criminal. You will see it all here. As usual, excellent acting by Kim Seon Ho!

The character of Go Ji Suk is a man with a lot of deep feelings. Having dreamed of making a difference in the world of justice, he instead is obligated to put his own life on hold when he is faced with his mother's mental decline. He sets himself up to live a stable life, with regular hours to be the good son that he is. However, when he is paired with a reckless partner he finds himself torn between fighting to keep his life stable and the intrigue of his old dreams. As he fights to protect his partner, and justice, he finds his life beginning to fall apart. Can he find a way to hold it all together before he loses everything he has worked for?

Ha Ma Ri

Jung Eugene played the troubled ex-partner of Go Ji Suk, Ha Ma Ri. She is another new face to me but I felt she did an excellent job with her character. She did a great job of being the unlikable character, but yet, still enough likable to keep you from hating her. She also had her emotions decently stretched and I felt that she did great with them. Overall, my first glimpse of this actress' abilities did not disappoint me and I will be happy to get the opportunity to see her again.

The character of Ha Ma Ri, as I said before, was a bit more of the unlikable character. She is a higher up in the violent crimes division of the subway police, and answers directly to her mother who heads up the entire subway police department. She was originally the partner, and girlfriend, of Go Ji Suk when he was still in her division. However his sudden, unexplained, separation from her and the department left her with some unresolved bitterness that occasionally causes her to be more of an antagonist to him. Her character is often arrogant and headstrong, but glimpses of her weaknesses help the watcher be a little sympathetic to her as well.

Kim Woo Hyuk

Ki Do Hoon played the duel purpose character of Kim Woo Hyuk. His character was both the new partner to Ha Ma Ri, and a third wheel to the developing love interest in Yoo Ryung. Of the four leads, his character was stretched the least, and we know very little about him. I felt he did well with what he was given, but I do not think that this gave me a good view of his acting range and ability.

The character of Kim Woo Hyuk, was more of a filler character. I feel as if they needed to fill a hole and they did so to just the level they needed. As I said, there is little to know about him, and they do not spend the time for you to get to know his character better. He is definitely the softer side of the Ha Ma Ri and Kim Woo Hyuk duo. But the two do not seem to have a lot of working chemistry. She is the lead and he is obviously the subordinate. However, he develops an interest in our main girl, without much explanation and adds just a little bit of conflict there, as well as some assistance.

Go Ji Suk and Yoo Ryung

The first introduction of our main couple to each other was not a pleasant one. And, really seems to be a foreshadowing of what is to come for these two, as the one always ends up causing trouble for the other. So, needless to say, the relationship starts out a bit on the "hate" side. Still, the working relationship between these two had great chemistry and it would seem to me that these two actors really enjoyed working together. 

Though I enjoyed watching their relationship develop, I wasn't sure that their romantic chemistry was super strong. Not that it wasn't there at all, but for sure some of the "romantic" scenes felt slightly awkward. Not enough to deter me, the romance wasn't a super huge part of this anyway. However, like I said. The two definitely had working chemistry and they seemed to click well and have a good time (the dance scene was particularly fun) and I really enjoyed watching them as a team.

Support Characters

Lee Man Jin and Kang Soo Ho

Jo Jae Yoon and Ahn Seung Gyun played the fun side characters of Lee Man Jin and Kang Soo Ho. I wasn't quite sure if they were Go Ji Suk's sidekicks, or each other's sidekicks. But, they worked together mostly as a team and the younger called the older "dad" and the older called the younger "son", even though they weren't actually blood related. It was kind of cute. I wanted to mention them since I am not sure the drama would be the same without their fun humor. Really loved this "father/son" duo!

Chief Gong

If you have watched any fair amount of Korean dramas you have very likely run into this guy before. He is a prolific actor, and I personally have seen his appearance in seven dramas I have watched (including this one). Lee Joon Hyuk played the fun Chief Gong, the chief inspector of another section of the subway. This guy was the master of the "undercover cop" persona. And it was super fun to see what he would appear dressed as next. A fun side character and an excellent actor. This guy is a favorite of mine, and every time he shows up in a drama I feel as if I am meeting an old friend. 


Overall, I would definitely recommend this drama. I enjoyed it all the way through. It was fun, yet it also had its moments of action and emotion and I felt I was given it all without it stressing me out too much. I think this is one I could easily watch again. 


This drama had some amazing OSTs. Out of the six main songs, I chose four that I would easily add to my playlist. Here they are:

Feel My Heart by Woosung (The Rose)

The Star by Juniel

Highlight by Roh Tae Hyun

Wanted by Abry

안녕! - 줄스
