Two Lights: Relumino 두개의 빛: 릴루미노


Title: Two Lights: Relumino 두개의 빛: 릴루미노
Genre: Romance, Life
Release: 2017
Starring (Main Cast)
Park Hyung Sik as Seo In Soo
Han Ji Min as Ahn Soo Young
Director: Hur Jin Ho
Writer: Lee Ha Neol, Lee Jeong Hwa

IMDb Rating: 7.4/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.4/10

Watch free here: Two Lights Relumino 

Runnning time: 31 minutes
Content Rating: G - All Ages
Violence: None
Sexual Content: quick kiss, hand holding
Language: None
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Seo In Soo (Park Hyung Sik), a pianist and piano tuner, has a genetic visual disorder called retinitis pigmentosa (RP) that in more recent years has caused him to have significant loss of vision. In an attempt to maintain a normal lifestyle he joins a photography group especially for people who have impaired vision. There he meets another visually impaired woman, Ahn Soo Young (Han Ji Min), whom he develops a friendship with and who helps him accept the loss of his vision. It is a friendship that develops into love in this short, but sweet drama.

My Review: 10/10

This drama/movie is a very short 31 minutes long. I believe it was created to show a product that can be used to help visually impaired people see (the product shown in the gif above). For such a short piece it was super sweet and the filmography was excellent. Visually appealing. The drama follows two people, one being Seo In Soo (Park Hyung Sik) who is a "newbie" to visual impairment and Ahn Soo Young (Han Ji Min) who is a veteran. In a way it seems as if Soo Young's acceptance and happiness is a big help in In Soo's own acceptance of his condition. And with the help of the device shown above, given to him by a friend, he is able to play piano again. By the end he has found acceptance and a new love for Soo Young. It was short, and I would never imagine developing a romantic relationship in such a short amount of time would work, but somehow it did. Thus why I have given this a 10/10.

Park Hyung Sik plays the pianist/piano tuner, Seo In Soo. He struggles with maintaining his job as his vision declines but is given an opportunity to continue a little longer when he is given a device that helps him see. He did a great job portraying someone who had difficulties seeing, which I don't think would be easy to do. Definitely a new role for him to play and I thought he did excellent. He had a sweet chemistry with Han Ji Min as well, which was beneficial to the very quick development of their relationship.

This was my first time seeing Han Ji Min in a role. I thought she did fabulous. I also have the ability to cross one eye and keep the other straight, but it takes focus, and for her to do that and act at the same time is incredible to me. Her sweet spirit in this short film seemed very genuine and I can't help but feel that she may be like this in real life. Her and Park Hyung Sik apparently developed a good friendship during this filming as he visited her on the set of Familiar Wife (the drama I am currently watching) which aired the following year. I also love her in Familiar Wife and think she could easily become a favorite actress of mine. 

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't sure what to expect out of a 31 minute drama, but it covered a lot of ground and was very sweet. I would recommend it. I mean, why not?? All you have to lose is half an hour! And, I really didn't feel it lost. It was sweet and done well. 


Park Hyung Sik also sang a beautiful song for this drama. Please, enjoy listening to it and watching the clips of the drama below! :)

안녕! - 줄스
