Splash Splash LOVE 퐁당퐁당 LOVE - Review


Title: Splash Splash LOVE 퐁당퐁당 LOVE
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy, Historical, Political, Costume & Period, Supernatural
Release: 2015
Starring (Main Cast)
Yoon Doo Joon as King Se Jong Yi DO
Kim Seul Gi as Jang Dan Bi
Director: Kim Ji Hyun
Writer: Kim Ji Hyun
Rakuten Viki Rating9.6/10
IMDb Rating: 7.8/10
Audience Rating: 4.9/5
MyDramaList Rating: 8.5/10

Rakuten Viki Synopsis: Click Here

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Episodes: 2 (abt. 1 hour each)
Content Rating: PG-13
Violence: Hitting/punching, yelling, sword fighting
Sexual Content: mild - kissing, hugging, verbal references
Language: Mild (depending on translation)
Ending: Happy, satisfying

My Synopsis

Jang Dan Bi is a senior in high school where she struggles academically, especially in the subject of math. Under pressure with coming exams, she prays to disappear. Unexpectedly, her wish is granted when she jumps into a puddle and is suddenly transported back to the Joseon dynasty during the reign of King Se Jong (the King responsible for creating the Korean script of hangul still used today). The kingdom, struggling under the effects of a 3-year drought, take her appearance as a sign. Especially when she proves her math skills to be far above the current understanding. First thinking her a boy, the king has her dressed as a eunuch and makes her his teacher in math. Her lack of knowledge of old ways causes her to act more familiar with the king than he is use to and in turn causes a friendship to grow. The king quickly realizes she is a girl, though keeps this knowledge a secret, and begins to develop feelings for her, that are quite mutual. Not everyone is happy about her presence, however. Can their new-found relationship withstand the barrier of time and those who want her dead? 

My Review: 9/10

I wasn't sure how how I would feel about a two episode drama, but I thought this was very cute. If only this could really happen... I'd find me a puddle right quick. Lol. Dan Bi is a girl struggling through her last year of high school when a wish is granted and she escapes her life to find herself in a different battle during the Joseon period. She learns about herself, and begins to realize the importance and gift the knowledge she has is as she teaches the knowledge thirsty king all she knows. It is a cute movie-length drama that takes you through the developing relationship of a king and a high school girl and through the real life and death struggles of his kingdom. Will she return home stronger and wiser?

Playing Jang Dan Bi is Kim Seul Gi. This is the only drama I have seen her in but thought she did an excellent job. She was cute and spunky and did a great job building her character. The character of Dan Bi I found to be quite fun. She knows very little of the etiquette of the Joseon period and ends up breaking a lot of boundaries which provides for some fun and even close moments with the king. I thought the casting of her was well done, and I thought Seul Gi's acting to be perfect for the role.

Playing the role of the historical King Sejong was Yoon Doo Joon. Another person I have yet to see in another drama. Again, I thought this actor did an amazing job playing his part. I loved that he had such a friendly face. This king did a lot for the history of Korea and it's people that still have lingering affects today. I would hope that he would look as kind as this and be as fun loving. His character was drawn to Ban Bi quickly. Maybe her unconventional treatment of him was actually refreshing to someone so stifled by protocol. He discovers the truth about her early on but keeps his knowledge secret... to keep her close? An awesome job of acting by Yoon Doo Joon!

I thought these two had really good chemistry. I would say that Yoon Doo Joon has mastered the soft and warm loving look. It was sweet and I enjoyed the evolution of their relationship. I am not use to such a quick development after watching 16+ hour dramas, but I thought they did very well with it.

Another person I thought notable of mention was Ahn Hyo Seop who played the Singer Che Ah Jik in the modern world and the musician Park Yeon in the Joseon period. He seemed to fill a lot of roles, from musician to caretaker, to troublemaker. Lol. But, I couldn't help but like him and thought that he should be included in the mentions here.

Just to keep things clear... This isn't just purely a fluffy romance. There is also danger, near-death experiences, torture, etc. A lot to overcome in a short period of time, but the drama does it justice, I think. I would definitely recommend. It won't take much of your time and is a satisfying watch, and a neat glimpse (though quite fictionalized) into the early life of King Sejong. I hope you enjoy it!

안녕! - 줄스
