Full House 풀하우스 - Review


Title: Full House 풀하우스
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release: 2004
Starring (Main Cast):
Jeong Ji Hoon (Rain) as Lee Yeong Jae
Song Hye Kyo as Han Ji Eun
Han Da Gam as Kang Hye Won
Kim Sung Soo as Yu Min Hyuk
Director: Pyo Min Soo
Writer: Min Hyo Jeong
Rakuten Viki Rating: 9.1/10
IMDb Rating: 7.9/10
Audience rating: 4.8/5
Viki Synopsis: Ji-eun is the original owner of Full House, a house built by her late father. When she loses ownership of the house to a famous actor, a comedic twist of fate brings them together under the same roof.

Watch Free on Kocowa: Full House
Watch with Viki Pass Plus on Rakuten VIKI: Full House

Violence: Low - slapping, head butting, yelling
Sexual Content: Low - shirtless scene, shower scene (waist up), mild references, kiss level 1
Language: Low (at least in the translation I watched) No swearing
Ending: Happy, satisfying

Full House was the first Korean Drama that I watched. I guess you could say it was my doorway into the Korean Drama world. If it were for that reason alone, this drama would have a special place in my heart. It drew me in and had me glued. I probably watched the entire 16-hour drama in two days. And, then spent money to buy it on DVD. This is one drama that has stood the test of time and should be on everyone's watch list.

My Synopsis:

Lee Yeong Jae (Jeong Ji Hoon) and Han Ji Eun (Song Hye Kyo) are an unlikely couple thrown together by fate. In an attempt to save Ji Eun's house and Yeong Jae's reputation the couple enter into a contract marriage. Neither realize the conflict that this will bring to their lives as they are both torn between a growing affection for each other and the world outside their fake lives.

My Review: 9/10

I found myself very drawn to the storyline of Full House. It centers around two characters, whom are very different from one another, that find themselves forced to live together for a time to get what they both want. They get on each others nerves, fight a lot, but also find themselves growing to like the presence of the other. Yeong Jae is torn between his love of his long time friend Kang Hye Won (and a promise made to her) and his changing feelings towards Han Ji Eun. Overall I felt the actors did a great job keeping the characters true to themselves, even as they grow and change.

Main Characters

Lee Yeong Jae

Jeong Ji Hoon (aka Rain) played the character of Lee Yeong Jae. As it was my first K-drama, I was obviously seeing him act for the first time. I found his acting and portrayal of his character to be top notch. His ability to fully flip emotions and be irritatingly hot-tempered one moment and cute and meek the next truly gave this character the dynamic that he needed. He did an amazing job with this role I felt it gave a great representation of his acting skills with the challenge range it provided this actor.

The character of Lee Yeong Jae was a well known, rising, actor who was in a battle to keep his image positive amidst various scandalous rumors. A consequence of his careless behavior. He was a very complicated character. He could be very frustrating at times, and often resembled a kid trapped inside an adult body. He struggled most with expressing his emotions and frequently found himself saying and doing things that were opposite of the way he was feeling. But then he had his warm moments as well, and it was easy to feel sorry for the difficult situation he finds his heart in. His character does a lot of growing and changing during the course of the drama.

Han Ji Eun

Song Hye Kyo played the cute and fire-cracker personality of Han Ji Eun. Having seen her in another work since this, I still think this is my favorite role she has played. She definitely seemed less fearful as an actress here. She goes all out in her role and in my opinion, she nailed it. She did an amazing job acting here. Unfortunately, I think she never really stretched herself following, and I found future acting by her to be a lot more one-dimensional. However, she is one of the most beautiful actresses to grace a screen which has probably helped where she has lacked in skill.

The character of Han Ji Eun was an obscure web story writer who lived in the home that her father had built and named 'Full House'. Both of her parents having passed, on she lives alone and only has a couple close "friends". She has a quirky personality. She has no trouble fighting back, nor does she have any trouble lying to get the result she wants. Still, she isn't unlikable and she often thinks of others at her own expense. Her character really doesn't change much during the drama, except maybe to grow a bit more confident, but the determined and strong-willed girl remains the same.

Yu Min Hyuk

Kim Sung Soo played the warm-hearted Yu Min Hyuk. I found his character to be the easiest to like right off the bat. Though, I don't think the actor was stretched with this role, I felt he filled it perfectly and he was believable at all times. I don't know if I will have the chance to see him act again, but I would definitely enjoy the opportunity.

Yu Min Hyuk was one of three friends that had grown up together. The other two were Lee Yeong Jae and Kang Hye Won. He filled that friend role in almost an older brother way. He was a charming character and it is this fact, and his interests, that seemed to constantly throw a wrench into Young Jae's love life. Of course, it was unintentional on his part, and to be honest, we definitely had some moments were we felt a little second lead syndrome as his gentle affections and care were so heart warming. We definitely loved the character of Yu Min Hyuk.

Kang Hye Won

Han Da Gam played the beautiful and emotional Kang Hye Won. Of the female leads this was definitely the most challenging in the emotional side of things. I thought the actress was amazing. She was probably one of the most convincing criers I have ever seen. It was obviously real tears as you could watch her eyes redden and her face flush naturally as she became emotional. I felt she did an amazing job making this role hers and she was very believable.

The character of Kang Hye Won was a troubled one who had some deep emotional problems. We get a hint of the fact that her young life was not good and that she was rescued by her friendship with both Lee Yeong Jae and Yu Min Hyuk. However, because of the nature of her attachment you get the impression that she feels they both "belong" to her in some way. When Han Ji Eun enters the picture she becomes possessive and nearly ruins them with her selfish actions. Even with an understanding of her fears, I found it hard to like her the majority of the time.

Lee Yeong Jae and Han Ji Eun

Lee Yeong Jae and Han Ji Eun definitely had a complex relationship. There was a mutual dislike of each other early on and yet, much to their dismay, they found that their circumstances could only be resolved by a strange yet symbiotic relationship found in a contract marriage with each other. Forced to live with each other, you can image that the conflict of such a relationship would only increase. And, it does. And, yet strangely enough they start to have moments where they actually find themselves having fun or laughing and little by little we start to see a grown attraction for each other develop. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as just falling in love, and promises made keep Lee Yeong Jae on a tight rope between the pieces of his heart.

Tied to a promise made to Kang Hye Won, he ends up hurting again and again the girl he loves the most. The weight of his heart's burden nearly breaks him in two. He must either find a way to break free, or the will to let Han Ji Eun go. I found it a heart tugging love story. It had it's funny moments, frustrating moments, and gentle ones as well. I definitely enjoyed the chemistry between these two.

Lee Yeong Jae and Kang Hye Won

Lee Yeong Jae's first love was Kang Hye Won. Having only loved her since their meeting at the age of 9-years-old, he had held on to the idea that they would some day marry. However, it turned out Hye Won's interests were centered firmly on the other friend, Yu Min Hyuk. In the wake of Yeong Jae's broken heart and his need for a scapegoat he ends up married instead to a girl he despises. Hye Won quickly learns, however, that her feelings for Min Hyuk aren't returned and she suddenly falls back on her need for Yeong Jae, only to now be faced with the presence of an obstacle. His new wife, Han Ji Eun. Being who she is, it does not stop her from trying to take him back and in the processes causing a lot of emotional pain and suffering for everyone.

Yu Min Hyuk and Han Ji Eun

Yu Min Hyuk and Han Ji Eun also had great chemistry. Unlike the relationship between Yeong Jae and Hye Won, which was destructive, this one had a lot of healing elements to it. Despite the fact that Yeong Jae ends up married to the girl Min Hyuk had taken a liking to, he does not get involved for the sake of their relationship. However, Ji Eun turns up frequently in his path, and he ends up coming to her rescue a lot. The pain caused by Yeong Jae and Hye Won's conflict begins to break through his resolve and he begins to wish only to remove her from the situation entirely and love her on his own. But, he knows where her heart is as well. I felt bad for him being on the side he was, watching the girl he loved hurt, and really having little he could do. This heart-warming relationship at times gave us second lead syndrome.

Yu Min Hyuk and Kang Hye Won

The relationship between Yu Min Hyuk and Kang Hae Won did have some chemistry at times. He was very sweet and caring to her and it was easy to see why she thought that there was a relationship there. However, where her feelings were romantic, his were brotherly. He sees through Hye Won better than Yeong Jae does and this is probably what protects him most from being taken in by her. I still did like their relationship, since he never stops being a caring friend even when things come to light.

Support Characters

Shin Dong Wook and Yang Hee Jin

There is a phrase that goes, "with friends like these, who needs enemies." It would seem as if that was written especially for these two. Kang Do Han and Lee Young Eun play the long-time friends of Han Ji Eun. Using the term "friend" loosely, these two take advantage of their friendship throughout the drama and it is their actions of betrayal that are the main catalyst for the events that unfold in the story. They are the most important side characters as so much stems from them, but man, if these were my "friends" I would have kicked them to the curb. Han Ji Eun and her kind heart is probably the only reason why these two survive.


  I really did enjoy this drama. It kept me glued from beginning to end and left me feeling very happy and satisfied. I found myself breathing a contented sigh and wanting to watch it all over again. I felt it a beautiful story overall, and enjoyed my first introduction to Jeong Ji Hoon (Rain) and Song Hye Kyo. I definitely recommend this drama be on your "to watch" list.


Song Hye Kyo - 2004 - Top Excellence Award, Actress; Popularity Award, Actress; (2004 KBS Drama Awards)
Rain - Excellence Award, Actor; Popularity Award, Actor; (2004 KBS Drama Awards)
Rain and Song Hye Kyo - Best Couple (2004 KBS Drama Awards)

안녕! - 줄스
